Advice for Darth Vader fit?

A little while ago I made a post asking how I should do a conjurer because I wanted to make a character that looked like darth vader. I’ve pulled it off now and this is the current fit:

Honestly right now I just think its pretty alright, but I want to know if I can go beyond just acceptable. If y’all could recommend some items that might make me look more like darth vader please tell me cause it would be super helpful.

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you can maybe try to get blasted on those pauldrons

Does that change its appearance?

yes, it should make the silver parts into a more black colour

What island is blasted on again? I forgot

only akursius rn

Hope i get lucky then

Maybe try black hood with black mask, looks more round like Vader’s mask

thats a good idea, hopefully I can find one or get someone to give me one

they’re not very valuable stat wise, if you tell someone it’s a drip trade they’ll probably accept

hood and mysterious mask?

maybe a black warrior coat and warrior boots would look good?

don’t really remember darth vader getting gold plated but with the way disney is handling it who knows how much stuff they retconned and changed

Try using black Scarecrow mask

He didn’t Im just trying with the best I got thats why I’m asking for help here

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