Aether and Darkness should have Ancient equivalents

What I’m saying is Death concentrates on Shadow’s “evil” side and Life on Light’s “good” side, Life and Death are too Light and Shadow what Scorch, Darkflame, Aetheral Flame or Inferno are to Fire. Magics who concentrate on one attribute of the main magic

Yeah, which makes them fit as ancient magics. Aether and Darkness are basically shadow and light two, they shouldn’t go higher than lost.

Why not ? Why not have there purest and most Ancient Form ? Fire has things like Inferno in Ancients

life still doesn’t really count as a light upgrade, death is fine as shadow though

I doubt they’re anywhere close to their purest and most ancient forms.

I could see life being linked to light as death is linked to shadow.


That’s what I’m saying, make a Magic for their purest and most ancient form, like Promehean Fl*me but for Light & Shadow

i just mean in practice, you cant use life to do what light can
its a healing magic, light is a damaging magic

Yeah, and in practice you can’t wither things with shadow magic.

cluttering the ancient magic list is why, we already have plenty up there and like a considerable portion of them are already light/dark. Keep them in the lost with a lot of the other sort of “upgrade” losts like diamond

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Half of the Ancients ar Fire/Lightning Upgrades :skull:

Life is litteraly a Light Mutation

Ok, and?

We should all also remember, barely any of these magics are even 100% confirmed at this point. Lots of them are likely because they seem to have had some thought put into them but nothing but the few examples on the card are really confirmed now.

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I know, I was just suggesting and it turned into drama. And says the one who writes humongous walls of text on Equinox Magic

3 “light and dark magics” is enough for the ancient magics we don’t need more

5 would be better, 1 Pure Shadow, 1 Pure Light, a Shadow Mutation, a Light Mutation and a Shadow & Light Fusion, but you are poor fools, you do not understand

the edge here
it hurts

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that is not the same like at all though

Prometheus flame and the grand fire magics exist for a reason and are unique to fire magics. There isn’t an equivalent of those for any other magic.