Behold! The most vile creature I’ve written. While not the most physically intimidating, he is responsible for some of the worst atrocities committed by The Order. Most notably the Psychopomp program.
Not the most physically intimidating?
Bro’s face spell evil and the rubber glove pull is pouring devious energy.
Overall, I dig the character and his design. I’m up for a lore antagonist, rather than the traditional boss ones.
Well I was mostly talking in terms of physical strength (then again with all those vestiges he has…) For a further explanation of his lore, I have him be the one responsible for the experiments on the player and Morden. One of those being replacing their skeletons with Arcanum. This allows him to channel his magic through their bodies, bending them to his will. It’s also my explanation for the player’s incredible healing factor.
Yeah but Agamemnon’s beard is better.
Patch notes:(Removed Agamemnon’d)
Holy– that’s actually insane, guess that lives up to his name “Puppeteer”
Really awesome tho, I wish there were more Order of Aesir Ocs. The amount of ideas and concepts that can be implemented is insane. (Tho maybe I just never realised yet)
Yeah he does a bunch of messed up stuff. For instance I mention in a fic I’m working on that Morden has a bunch of scars on his hands. Courtesy of The Order’s Vitality “training”. Also I would love to see more Order Ocs it’s a really untapped market.
i got three order thingamajigs and one of them is so messed up it reminds me of my father
I personally have this idea of an order OC in my head as well kinda similar to this guy from Made in Abyss
But replace his head with a bird mask or canine mask type of thing, and make him the head/owner of the orphanage my OC grew up in lol
Have any lore snippets or hints?
i just got done dropping a massive nuke of a lore dump on one of my other characters that werent related to AO at all, so probably not for another day or so
Lmaoo, oh well that’s fine
Should I post my fics onto the forums? Or should I keep them on Ao3?
i can dump the other characters lore here if you want to see the brutal text
you can if you wanna
I’m just a bit worried as two of them have Oc x Iris content.
I think it’s fine really, even if there’s Oc x Iris content. But again, it’s up to you
Also, can I have a link to your Ao3 fic?? I wanna read them
Yep, here you go.
Aightt thankss
You’re welcome