Confirmed once again that Vetex actually DOES want to remove agility but won’t because of the possible backlash

(before any complains about PvE, if it did ever get in, base movement and PvE would be balanced accordingly)
They should do a discord pol just like for the new names
Let’s be realistic, the PvE demons wouldn’t even read that there’d be PvE compensation and just vote “No.” as soon as they seen “Agility removed.”
Yeah true, but this stat (as well as some others) kinda hurts the game.
+the substats as a whole just makes min-maxxing mandatory if you want to have some relevance on difficult challenges or PVP
I only use agility in dark sea, it save me alots of time
In the unlikely case it is removed, I would hope the teleport versions of super jumps and dodge reflexes stick around.
i hope vetex changes his mind on the second one eventually because it would actually be so cool to see something like that in the game
like imagine during the skyhall story you go to some sky island near the dark sea border for an unrelated reason and then you see something like a dragon fly out from the dark sea (already planned as a concept actually) as a bossfight, or maybe a griffin, or any cool animal/monster bossfight
vetex please… itd be so awesome…
Calvus armor is now power, size, and armor piercing
everytime i see a new set with armor piercing a year is taken from my lifespan… its so ass stop putting it on EVERYTHING!!! i swear like half of the empires update armor sets had piercing on them
exactly what I’m saying, you didn’t even read the part where I said there’d be compensations in PvE
It might be the same as being part of the story, but it could still be a quest. Everything you said should still be possible within that avenue.
I enjoy being able to explore places such as elysium islands
I know for a fact that the agility compensation wouldn’t be close to what I have
And that’s not an issue, players shouldn’t be able to have that level of mobility
okay but have you ran around sameria at 630 agility
no because that’s impossible to get
oh right I forgor haven’t played ao in a while
regardless it really isn’t a problem in my eyes, literally every single stat is broken in some way
lets go back to aa
The armor stat system is great. Not a flaw in it except for piercing.
possible but still boring