AI generated Arcane Adeventures

So i was messing around with AI image generation and decided to generate some AA characters (and some World magic characters)

Anyways i did 3 generations Each, the first one with different Cfg Scale (basically how close the image will be to the prompt), The first will have 20, the second will have 10, the third will have 5

(note i might change some promts and add tags to experiment)


White Eyes




the only time an AI has done something correct was trigno :sob:

The funny thing is i didn’t even type tringo into the prompt because it always just appeared with some random old women so i had to describe him instead of putting his name in prompt :smiling_face_with_tear:

Slide the link
Iam make sure trigno dies

btw the thing has a free trial so you can only make a limited amount of art (around like 40 pieces or smth idk) but you can just bypass it by using 10 minute mail and making a new account each time

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You should… NOW!

real life trigno is scary

he got too real :pensive:

trigno finna looking like he’s tryna advertise me an antivirus :skull:


deez nuts

Why does this look like something straight from wizard 101

i tried this too

white eyes flying real

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no fair why can’t i generate a decent looking white eyes :sob:

that V-line holy shit

THis is why i had to make only 2 averill pics like 90% of them were basically nsfw :moyai:

get better prompt


I am not complaining tho :flushed:

maybe it’s because i used a picture of shirtless averill for a prompt refrence

i just use plain prompts