Alchemy ideas

Ah yes another topic about making ideas for a feature thats hasnt even been worked on yet. :nod: :nod: :nod: :nod: :nod: :nod: :nod: :nod: :nod:

Potion of awareness-
After drinking this potion you’ll be granted esp with a short/mid range depending on your skill level but after drinking this potion you’ll have a indicator indicating that you’ve drank the potion and your not a hacker :fr:

mfw magic sensing already exists
anyways this sounds like a pretty bad idea, a potion that boosts hearing ability and giving indicators/ pinging a location or smth would make more sense than just being aware of ur surroundings and having pseudo-esp

there’s this neat little place that exists where you can make these while avoiding the persecution of the vetex hivemind for making a “suggestion” topic:

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