Alchemy ≠ Magic?

how does alchemy even work? you see alchemists having a magic circle over an item on their table, which obviously implies magic

the part where it gets weird is that enizor, a 68-year-old man, is a master alchemist, despite not having magical ability prior to the dark sea quest, so this means that alchemy isn’t exactly magic, at least in the same sense as being able to create harmful blasts of water. what is it, then?


iirc, Tech or Vetex clarified that unaligned magic circles exist, which are used for enchanting.
Yeah, that’s it. Unattuned magic circles.
Even non-mages can use them it seems.


objects/material of AU world are infused with magic energy, alchemy draw out that energy and apply them to items i think

some are better than other, jewelcrafting is probably a form of alchemy too now that i think about it

so does that mean I can enchant things by myself ? Without having to pay ???

yes enizor and some other alchemists are prob greedy

yes, you can use enchantment scrolls to enchant your gear

I meant like using my own magic not scrolls…

if theirs unaligned circles can you use them for combat? if so imagine professions for combat

I love enchanting my opponent’s skeleton with brittle.

gives an enchant for insanity buy makes them stronger

Alchemist could be rather terrifying in combat depending on how quickly they can enchant/disenchant and the enchants they have access to, imagine fighting someone who can change the enchants on their gear at any time to fit any situation

it would also be rather terrifying if they could forcefully disenchant their opponents armor, like imagine fighting some dude and you suddenly lose like 20% of your stats since it got disenchanted.

“Fool! I have unenchanted your schimitar! You can’t defea-”

gets fucking stabbed to death and dies

Not sure how correct it is, but here

would conjurer/warlock imbuments fall under magic circles or aura imbuements

they use magic circles on their back

its said that alchemy take a lifetime to learn

i mean if you want to you can ditch the whole saving the world thing and become an alchemist ig

This makes sense, because everyone has magical energy, but mages are the only ones who have their minds unlocked. These are what allow them to use specific kinds of magic. Since enchanting is done with an unaligned circle, it would make sense that anybody could use them.

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