Mistral Update Patch Notes (Discussion Thread)

Lore changes were in patchnotes, so any lore disscussion is technically patchonte dissucssion.

haha yeah which idiot would ask that

V2 with a few more things I came up with. I might ask Vet about enchantments because we know very little about them.

why is alchemy under man made magic? alchemists use unaligned magic circles

According to vetex, the enchanting magic was man made. Someone talks about it in the big sameria city whose name I don’t want to try and spell right now

i was thinking of this. it seems weird for alchemy to be man made since iirc man made magics drain the user’s vitality and is a fusion of magics. i also checked the npc and its not very specific of what enchanting is, just that it has no element

that is a way to make a magic, but i don’t see why that would be the only way

Where’s this from?

i think it was about the aether lightning monk dying shortly after creating the magic

pretty sure its uncanon

the “aether lightning monk” is just vetex oc lol

Im ma be real with you…Things were better when we had soul casting slowly evolving into circle casting. Cause it left a room for evolution of power system, cause if someone did’nt know WOM’s magic circles litteraly say “grant me power”, thus they are probably stronger.
And dont forget, aura manipulation was a thing for a long time, no spirit energy needed. Circles are created with aura/energy, just like magicless people can make their weapon reach more and harden their body…Aura!

Spirit energy just feels so off man.


I entirely agree, the new modern magic system brought in by WoM/AO completely makes no sense, atleast when its being used with lore brought from AA.

Firstly, scrolls make NO sense. Are you really telling me even when magic was made, mfs really needed to read how to use magic? Mutations made 1000% more sense since it was based on personal growth, whereas scrolls are just “schlawg… we need to find the writings… ignore any requirement just read…” (I suppose illiteracy is the biggest weakness of any magic user???)

And yeah, spirit energy just feels forced, and now Arcane’s power system just feels… clustered and overwhelmed

(i probably rambled a bit too much ngl)


i assume you would need to follow instructions, like training instructions, on the scroll

foolishness SkittleSnakes, now 2623 Vetex fanboys will come and say that you do nothing but complains

yeah but like, doesnt that mean its theoretically possible for you to learn it without any scroll?

like, if your dad a lost magic user feel like he should be able to teach you

Minds made sense cause they were tied to you as a person. All the stuff with first mind being personality, 2nd dreams, 3rd desires.
Sure, it kinda limited you, but scrolls…And that you can technically have infinite amount of magics, if you were taught it?
It kinda makes you wonder if mages can live up to 1000 years, why are’nt 10 magic users are common?

if he remembers the instructions and teaches you through those instructions yeah, maybe iris was really good at following directions and her dad taught her what to do for flare

calvus situation

I mean, he’s somewhat young, is’nt he? Maybe like in his 30s.
Lets say you master magic in 50 years, even 75.
1000/75 = 13.3, you can theoreticaly master 13 magics if you dedicated your life to magic. Alas Friren

Hell, 1 magic per centuary already means 9 magics, not 3

yeah having long lifespan might me people more lazy tbh