Aliens are weird

like, why would they want to come to our planet in the first place, there are probably tons of other planets with more resources than ours, and if they were advanced enough to be spacefaring they don’t need slaves, so why do they come and like abduct us and stuff?

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like is it actually possible aliens would just want to try and get to know us better? I mean every piece of media says otherwise but what if they just want to befriend us or something?

idk what the benefits of that would be though so like it’s still a mystery why they come

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doubt it. my grandfather (who was in the air force) supposedly spotted a UFO while he was on patrol, so i don’t completely doubt that aliens exist, but anything about them abducting humans is probably a hoax. hypothetically they might want to capture some people to do research but meh

i mean if they did come and stuff and if there was like a race that has been observing us why would they?

They enjoy watching us tear each other apart ovr silly things

what do you think would happen if all of the sudden we just stopped doing stupid stuff or at least dramatically decreased the amount of weird and horrible stuff happening in the world, and the aliens realize that we might actually be civilized?

There are several factors for whether aliens could visit Earth or any other planet, if they exist in the first place. Likely similar for humans if they ever want to do a similar thing.

First is whether it is beneficial in resources or they just want to map every planet in the galaxy.

Second is whether it is safe for them to arrive; for example, if a hostile lifeform lives on the planet, they might be more wary and considerate, particularly if they are advanced. Not many would be trusting.

Another thing that might attract them is the opportunity to research, scientists like that a lot, hence their job. Particularly if there are strange anomalies like the size of our moon or how we or other animals function in our day-to-day lices.

And then the most important of them all: if the planet is habitable in the sense that they can breathe or attain the resources required for them to survive. (They may not require water or oxygen to survive or they might survive in another temperature range) If they can, why wouldn’t they check the planet out?

Some of this is actually what I researched for school lol

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Idk how advanced are we

are we really THAT interesting to them? like, let’s be real here, why out of all the possible alien species, are we the one worthy of research, surely we are not that special or unique in any way

To be honest there are a lot better resources in space floating around compared to earth so like we’re kind of a huge waste of time

No idea. They’d probably get worried maybe? Honestly all we might have to do to worry a space faring race is start using nuclear power fully not just a little bit.

there’s a possible chance that trees/wood is even more rare than diamonds in the entire universe. The source is that i heard it somewhere and i remember it always so im relaying it but yeah.

wouldn’t aliens like just take a few and be able to germinate them? like surely if they’re advanced enough they wouldn’t need to take all of earths trees and could just grow their own

No matter how small, anything can be interesting. They could come across us by chance and decide to check us out.
The differences and similarlies between them and us may be the most interesting, for example, the speed of our development, what we’ve invented and our biology. I think that could go both ways.

what if we like somehow are a lot younger than them yet our speed of development is like wicked fast and even they are truly shocked

would they want to like invade us or something or like something bad

Probably meh consider we’ve only got basic interstellar travel and goodish technology

Basically if they can live on Earth even if temporarily, then that could increase the chances of them checking us out.

Maybe, if we are considered a threat, then it would be logical for them to be scared.
They could invade, terminate, make peace or even make negotiations.
Depends on the severity, what other information they find about us and whether they can find a way to communicate.
If we are in someway more aggressive, then the darker ones could be taken.

i mean we got bobloc and vidoe gaem :pleading_face:

how could we be a threat we don’t even know how to colonize the literal moon bruh

wait aliens can do that?

what are the chances of an alien race that genuinely finds us special and like doesn’t want to blow us up.

maybe even as going as far as like wanting to make peace with us

Our weaponry could be one. Plus, the moon would be a pain to colonize since it lacks air and most necessary resources. Mars is a better option and we do have some plans for that.

Honestly, if they even find us and aren’t ashes or something by the time they do, then they’ll know something about negotiations and peace.

Well, the chance for aliens finding us is already quite low
But there is too much possibility for them, so it could be too hard to calculate. Honestly, it could depend on who they send out first, the angry ones, the explorers or the scientists