All archived trello cards

Here are links to all the archived cards on the trello in one place for your convenience, as some people might have trouble finding them. Please note that some info is outdated.

Gold Magic:

Paper Magic:

Ink Magic:

Skill Types (This one is just a header/label and doesn’t have any text):

Normal Skill Types:

Mastery Skill Types:

Awakened Skill Types:

Lost Spell Type Ideas:

Magic Tiers:

Cultural Revamp and Separation:


Book Ideas:

Region Capturing:


Generic Random-spawning:

Things that currently need deciding/ideas for:

Graves and Urns:

Random Ideas:

Cultures and Houses:

Hit Effect Variations:


Okay I can explain some of these, so vetex archived Ghosts, Books, skill types, and The 3 magic tiers because he wanted to move them to his private trello and make ideas for them there, they are still coming to the game, a lot of the other one are just cause WoM is going away

How did you find the archived cards?

I got the trello app on mobile and there was an archived cards section (I know it’s probably on pc too, but I couldn’t find it.)


Thanks beast mastodon machine crack pro god

You can do it on PC aswell.


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Ah, I found it. It was kind of hidden, but easier to find on mobile. I knew “archived cards” wasn’t a mobile-exclusive feature, but I couldn’t find the tab on PC.


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