All hail king Julien

Now that makes me wonder, if he KNEW we killed Ravenna’s general only weeks earlier, why didn’t he kill us on the spot when we were traveling to the Castello after fighting lady carina? Maybe he didn’t use his full power just to watch us suffer immesnely in the eternal mines, knowing being down there would be far worse than just losing our life on the spot?

All questions for another day, i suppose.

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Well I guess calvus wanted us alive or something, the gulag part was a nice lore dump though

All I can tell is that Julian sure wasn’t going full power for a sure-kill hit.

I mean, he expected us to get back up after charging at us at Mach 3 and was surprised when we didn’t.

There’s no way that he can only go Mach 3 at full power i’d expect him to go Mach 7 Mach 10 being curses like the light curse.

“Akctually it was Mach 7.8279 :point_up: :nerd_face:” vibes right now

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ok nerd

nooooooooooooooo how could youuuuu

har har

Would a julian battle be possible eventually?

probably but he would beat our ass

So nothing changes for me

I thought Calvus was a Aether Conjurer but Savant fits him better.

Calvus is level 500, right? Lets break down some aspect of his kit: Heatlh ; Aether magic ; Iron Leg ; Triasta.

Aether magic

To use Lost magic you need at least 600 points in magic

Iron Leg

ILeg unlocks at 80 str


Triasta’s Q costs 200, and ult art is 530.


Clavus has 4500. At level 500 you theoreticaly 3593 ( 100+7x(500-1) )
4500-3594 = 906
Vitality gives 4 hp per point, that means Calvus needs at least 227 vitality points.


Vitality - 227
Magic - 600
Strength - 80
Weapons - 200

227+600+80+200 is already 1107, which is around lvl 554


Did you include his armour in the health calc? Im unsure if his armour or gear gives hp

It doesn’t, but I’m fairly sure that Vetex doesn’t account for their armor when determining stats.

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but if his level is higher, his hp too, so he needs less vitality!


I’d say he’s at most like 400-450 in lore, given how he’s called relatively weak for a king and lost to us

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