All My Homies Hate Shadow Tornados



they be darker then the dark sea

Gonna be honest, I didn’t see them as that big of an issue when I heard about them. Then I almost ran into one (literally stopped/turned just close/late enough to start taking damage).

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Shadow Tornadoes are like Where’s Waldo/Wally if it were in AO.

Acid tornados are also a pain in the ass

Never been caught in one, enlighten me why they’re bad?

I still have predark sea gear for my ship mostly but the dot is deadly if u get close

These mainly occur a lot in range 4 (i3) for some reason
They make a humming noise that for me kinda confused me with sirens
They’re dark which makes them hard to see and you could be tricked from what sound-side its coming from like:
You hear the sound from the left
fun fact: Tornado is on the right

Basically the most annoying tornado


Off of just sound they’re annoying, they aint even gotta hit you? Then I probably got tripped up by one already.

Why is no one talking about acid waves and their like 5X dmg compared to normal ones :frpensive:

Plasma waves also have the really high dot.

I ran into one in range one with my friend, it basically ended our run since it ate my ships health, yoinked my friend off, we were being chased by 7 white eyes, and two Atlanteans ships were on us. I don’t know if we were incredibly unlucky with the spawns or what but yeah they aren’t just a 3+ thing.