All of a sudden i suck terribly at pvp

I got a new keyboard and mouse and now im awfully terrible at pvp. sometimes i cant even tell where w is and i miss all my shots but before that wasnt the case. I dont know what dpi to set it to since my old mouse didnt have a dpi display or dpi change. Im bad as hell now and cant beat ANYONE and I was already bad enough before


Aimbot keyboard and mouse :sob::sob::sob:

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Just use it a bit longer. Try speedrunning storyline on alt account and you gonna get good again

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Make some alts with weird magics, helps us all, especially me xd
Anyways new things need time to get used to.

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I still cant block even after 300 hours

ive been pvping for 6 months with that office mouse and it sucks i gotta practice my aim all over again

Or… Become explosion iron leg warlock

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nah i wanna be water conj. doesnt even matter what save i play i still suck with this new equipment

I dont wanna do that six months of practicing every single day all over again

Well you can either suffer or suffer less

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yeah. i really wish i never started with an office mouse in the first place. that ruined everything for me

I changed my keyboard like 3 weeks ago and there was almost no doffrence in how bad I pvp

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thing is my old keyboard had many more keys

why’d you change out the mouse and keyboard to something you was completely unfamiliar with then.

when my mouse broke I just went and got one completely identical to it.

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you’ll get used to it

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Get off HBE kid

I was looking for a mechanical keyboard basically a step closer to my gaming setup but didn’t know it would be so different

as for the mouse I thought a more configurable one would be better. My office mouse isn’t as good as jitter clicking and drag clicking as the new one

ye i got a 60% keyboard a while ago which was a mistake since ao uses ` for backpack :sob:

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that’s gotta hurt :sob:
I went from a 100% to a 75% to make more space for my mouse

i got a new mouse and i cant aim for shit in shooters

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SAME, my new one is much better with side buttons n’all but I gotta get used to it

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