All shall bow to Noble

this is outrageous! :rage: :face_with_symbols_over_mouth: :rage: how could they possess such a thing!

They cant keep getting away with it! :sob: :face_with_symbols_over_mouth: :rage: :rage: :sob:


HOW DARE YOU :rage: :rage: :rage: !!! I KNEW YOU HAD A DARK SEA TRACKER :rage: :rage: :rage:

I SURRENDER TO NOBLE, PLEASE SPARE OUR LIFE OO WISE NOBLE :pray: :pray: :angel: :angel: :innocent: :innocent:

Hi armada

All hail noble orgasm :sob: :pray: :pray: :scream:


Now we wait for the AO redditors to catch onto this post and erupt.

What if I’m taking a shower while I witness it?
Don’t the clan members have to spread the light?

Ur a catgirl shut up all i hear is miau mew purr nyah miau mroe meow from u…

If i simply step on grass no noble player can get close to me

speedrun any%

Praise Noble for their technology! May noble rule the war seas!

bait used to be believable :pensive:


average noble W

Noble got that Area 51 tech huh

noble having another schizo episode :sob:

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We forgot to give them their medications

from a (not the most trustworthy) source, apparently this is real.

and it’s powered via a clearsight bug. you know, just some blatant exploiting of a glitch ingame.

now I’m still a little skeptical but if this is legit then we have a much larger issue on our hands.

there’s no way they could make this without injecting code directly into the game, aka exploiting
it’s probably fake lol

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I mean you’re correct there, but at the same time noble feels like the kind of clan to try and do this (and then not get in trouble at all because of their affiliations with vetex)