Alliance proposal

I believe the unreasonable war between the forums and fandom wiki has gone on long enough. There is simply no more points being brought up, just an endless, numb back and forth.
As such, I propose a new diplomacy:
The forums and wiki shall make peace with each other and declare an unreasonable war on the subreddit instead.
The forumers:

  • Will no longer be hated by wikians
  • Will get wikians as allies in war against the subreddit
    The wikians:
  • Will no longer be hated by forumers
  • Will get forumers as allies in war against the subreddit
    Let us join hands in a new, completely unrelated and unreasonable crusade!
  • Agreed!
  • Disagreed!
0 voters

One step closer to the war’s end

Better idea:
Delete the wiki and instead incorporate information pages into the forum
That way no more spam advertisements

I the Duke of Ungriffia sign this proposal so that peace can be restored (through invasion first)

Mirhaze wiki:


yeah miraheze and forums are already on the same side really. it’d take us a third of the way already if we can get miraheze and fandom to make peace

Would be better if we had info pages accessible on the forum tho :slightly_frowning_face:

Miraheze can merge with current wiki, forums can merge with current discussion page
We will become the three-headed god

Discussion page?

…is there yet another side

Yea the place with posts and stuff

Discussion page is the fandom wiki

ohhh ok

Not really tbh the wiki itself would be pages, discussion is kinda separate

whats up with the subreddit?

This sucks
I want trique war

AO’s so dry we got people making up fake wars to satiate their boredom

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this isnt even fake, why everyone think it is