Allow the Player to set their Dodge Reflex upon finishing a Stat Reset

Allow the Player to set their Dodge Reflex upon finishing a Stat Reset
effort 4.0 3 quality 4.75 4 reasonability 5.0 5

Players, from what I’ve seen, almost all agree that Dodge Reflexes, an important mechanic in both PvE and PvP, are vital to the player’s potential. Even outside of those, they can be great for travel, particularly when having to go from one spire to another such as in the Jaws or on some Dark Sea islands. The only way to change the player’s Dodge Reflex or learn it in general is by going to Whitesummit and talking to Rill Hendrix, which is fine, although it’s also required if the player resets their stats.

For convenience’s sake, allow the player to set their DR after investing all of the stat points regained from a stat reset. One, it’d be convenient to not have to travel to an out-there island in the Bronze Sea to relearn it, especially since the player starts effectively on the opposite side of the sea from it when they reach the Nimbus Sea. Two, it’d be far less disorienting to not have to deal with getting your movement options cut in half after resetting. Heck, maybe auto-set the Reflex if the player resets into a Warrior or Oracle build, since they only have one reflex available.

(i feel like i typed too formally for what can be boiled down to “QoL change for reflexes”)


Yeah I imagine this would become way more of an issue down the line too when there’s even more seas and the distance to Whitesummit grows even further. This is a basically mandatory QoL change so I fully agree. Wouldn’t hurt if you got the option to change one’s reflex dodge when changing or obtaining a new magic or fighting style as well but that’s just my take.

yeah meta already suggested this on discord i think

Definitely. Having to sail all the way to Whitesummit just to get my Dodge Reflex back is a major hassle.

The only reason I see this not being added is because dodge reflex is not a mandatory upgrade, despite it being very crucial to combat after the bronze sea
vetex please make dodge reflex part of the story

For real. Of all mechanics, getting your Dodge Reflex should be a mandatory tutorial quest in the storyline.

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someone cough cough should suggest it being part of the story to get at level 200 or so, but it should be obtainable early at level 120 via the quest

Hell yeah

Much needed, I felt this pain multiple times

Very QoL suggestion, Vetex should definitely add this feature

or maybe just the ability to change it in your menu by clicking it (so having none would just be empty)

i mean WHYY do we have to talk to him it doesn’t make too much sense, like after we learn it can’t we change it

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