Almost to 1000 Total Hours

921.2 currently.

Might take a while longer before 1000, not sure if I can get there before AO, but I’d say it’s decent.
There’s plenty of people I’ve seen though with 1000+ hours on a singular file, though.

Some polls you can answer if you want:

Just wondering, how many hours (total) do you have?
  • Over 1000
  • 750 - 1000
  • 500 - 750
  • 250 - 500
  • 100- 250
  • Below 100

0 voters

What do you do in WoM? (Up to 9)
  • Fishing
  • Trading/Selling
  • Boss Hunting
  • Idling/Nothing
  • PvP
  • Fighting NPCs
  • Jail
  • Gathering Data on the Game
  • Doing Other Things with NPCs
  • Talking to Other Players
  • Preparing for AO
  • Threats/Destruction
  • Other

0 voters

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i might have hit more than 1k hours total idr but i know for a fact it’s over 750 combined w/ all my files.

i haven’t touched wom in months and the only reason i went back on it that one time was to transfer some items of mine cause i lost my password to my main and roblox wasn’t emailing me so i thought i lost my main twice now.

but i currently still ‘have it’ because of the quick login thing they did so thats pog and got nothing to worry about


I throw spears at someone until they rage quit


i thought that title said 10000

Impressive, I think I have about around 200 across all my files. Majority of that is definitely fishing, but I do spend a bit of time just roaming around the map and fighting npcs.

main 3 (I plead guilty for a low hour count)

main files, idk about files i’ve deleted to use new magics

Your stats will be resetted in AO…

I :male_sign: stick finger :male_sign: someone until they check the :male_sign: forum :male_sign:

That’s a good thing actually, because I’m done with lvl 10s making fun of me for having 260 hours on my main file
And there are people who have it worse than me.

Imagine what those 800 hour SunCry files experience when people look at their profile

I had a lot of files and accounts, but probably in total I have 500+ hours. I am started playing at May 2020 and changed 3 mains and 2-4 alt accounts. I deleted so much good files, thanks to fucking magic which I can’t normaly choose.

F in the chat

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Never had that happen to me on my main file which has 400 hours

I have about 300 hrs over all my files not including my alt.

I don’t play wom

True demon lmao. I had problem with player with similiar playerstyle, but he was godly aimming with bow.

@ThatOneGuy Did you harass this man?

My aim is average but I don’t recall no. Might’ve been but I also don’t RK or anything so if we did fight it was cause it was a 1v1 or he attacked me :person_shrugging:

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If you still talking about bow dude, he had some teammates and they were attacking randoms, so I don’t think its was him.

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