Altering Darksea Islands

Altering Darksea Islands
effort 5.0 1 quality 5.0 1 reasonability 5.0 3


Two minor things that would make islands in the dark sea loads easier to traverse.

  1. All dark sea islands now have at least one part at sea level to allow you to dock your ship at.
  2. Most dark sea islands now roughly ascend from one side to the other (trending upwards away from the part at sea level with some random variance)

Details/background on your proposal

There isn’t much really to discuss about details. It’s all pretty easy to understand, I think. The only thing worth noting is that circular islands would trend upwards across, so the highest point would be roughly straight across from the lowest. Islands that are multiple smaller islands clumped together would be unaffected.

Reason to add/change

Adding both of these changes would make traversing islands (the most annoying part of the dark sea in general) much more manageable. Making climbs gradual instead of all at once in the case of some islands would make them more appealing to climb, and ensuring that you always have to go down to reach your ship makes sure you don’t accidentally get yourself stuck somewhere with sealed chests that you can’t ferry back to the ship.


just make them shorter

small changes are amazing
good idea

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that could also be done as part of this, but it feels better to climb many small things over and over instead of one big thing

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Love this, the dark seas are meant to feel caotic and wild, not bad to explore

Specially the sea level part. Even if its not true sea level (like, not connected to the sea floor), it would still help a ton

the intention of “sea level” is “a place where boats can dock at and players can make landfall without climbing”

hell yeah

no let’s just make them endless cliffs that take 2 hours to climb and that just may have 1 dark sealed chest

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If they gut agility they might as well do this to make traversing dark sea islands more manageable

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