..am i crazy?

okay so the new dragon ball super super hero movie is out on crunchyroll now and i watched it for the first time. after finishing, i saw it has a fucking 93% on rotten tomatoes or some shit and i am genuinely confused.

first of all, i hate that they made goku a fucking idiot. like that one scene where he makes fun of vegeta for concentrating is so bullshit…in dbz he was nowhere NEAR as clueless as he is in this movie its honestly stupid they exaggerated the shit out of his personality.

ALSO, i feel like transformations are being handed out like candy now. piccolo just went to the dragon to unlock his potential in order to get some transformation that exponentially increases his power??? wheres the hard work in that???

and gohans been living sedentarily for a long time, right? so the fact that he can even still go into his mystic transformation is BONKERS to me, let alone surpassing the power of piccolo’s new ‘unlocked potential’ form to go beast mode or whatever.

also whats with the fucking ‘upgrade the dragon’ thing. dende said in the film that he did it once so he should be able to do it again…so whats stopping him from fuckin continuously UPRADING the dragon??

even if all these things werent a problem, i still dont think this film woulda been a masterpiece. it pales in comparison to the original dbz series and maybe thats bc its all kid-friendly now but STILL.

i felt no emotion in this movie whatsoever, except a little shock at some of the animation…

i dont know jack diddly squat about dragon ball, but:

fairly certain piccolo is a god

fairly certain gohan got the half saiyan treatment (being able to contend with a conqueror of worlds at the age of 5) and became stupid powerful stupid quickly

i think piccolo was supposed to be as powerful as the poster boys, but they just forgot to do it

I remember seeing some discourse about this a while ago, apparently the scene was kinda portrayed wrong? I don’t really remember, but it made him look worse than it was supposed to

yeah, its totally out of character. goku in dbz had a strong appreciation for concentration and was NOT clueless when it came to battle and training.

they extended his ‘dumbass’ personality into areas its not supposed to be in. he j acts so stupid 90% of the time now.

Have to nerf him somehow.


His brain leaks into his hair, that’s how transformations work.

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Have you seen Dragon ball evolution movie?

What did you expect? It’s an ANIME movie. Anime movies almost always suck.

Just look at the HXH movies. HXH itself is awesome, but the movies are just absolute pain to watch.

Hunter x Hunter has a movie?

Yeah super made him dumb as shit lol

Ignoring the hard work part I’m honestly really glad we get other characters with unique transformations since after the Sayian saga the show started to get more focused on Goku and Vegeta

^^^ This. This has to be an outlier, i’m surprised this even made it past the storyboard. Goku has always been a martial arts master since Z so why is he suddenly…not?!

Thankfully toyotaro fixed this blurb in the manga by making him say “you’ll get rusty” instead of “that’s not training!” (We really didn’t need a manga recap of superhero)

No comment.

Gohan fought in the T.O.P and Moro arc (which is post broly), so he’s been moving around alot more recently. We also have the whole hidden potential thing going on for him cuz y’know, he reached ssj2 before everyone else. But that still doesn’t explain beast or catching up to goku and vegeta…

This is why I like orange ond beast since it makes two characters that aren’t goku and vegeta relevant. They just suffer from a lack of build-up :sob:


This is one of reasons why I prefer GT to Super even if it’s not Canon

two of em, both of them are really bad

GT might not have been all that great but YEAH at least goku wasnt an idiot

also i fucking loved the ending to GT

i suppose, but the movie makes it seem like he hasnt been moving around at all, cuz like piccolo even helps kidnap pan JUST to get him out of his research and shit.

i defo appreciate making more transformations for other characters so they can catch up to goku and vegeta, but youre right the lack of build-up takes away the emotion that made transformations so special in the first place.

i disagree there are plenty of anime movies that are great. the new broly movie was good and from what i remember didnt make goku a fucking idiot (at least not as bad as it did in super hero).
theres also quite a few hidden gems in the dbz movies, specifically. resurrection f was mid tho imo.

from what ive heard the new black clover movie was pretty good, too…but ive yet to see it.


wait crazy? i was crazy once, they locked me in a rubber room , a rubber room with rats, rats make me go crazy

key word: ALMOST

:skull: i have

I dont think movie you talk about is worse