Amber Zamora

The forgotten shipwright who operates her business in the middle of fucking nowhere

A quick one in a half hours render I made, using assets I made previously.

Behind the scene of the scene


Well clearly she’s not forgotten anymore

That title belongs to that old weirdo on cernunno


Hendrix brother. I have a plan to start making him.
I hope with that he will not be forgotten.


Said she would be sailing one day, but this woman still remains here and sorta forgotten her existence lol

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wait is this the one in like goso jungle or somewhere around that

Darkpine Isle

now draw the guy that is the son of cerunno

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but that guy on cernunno??

thats the boxing mentor

i still use him to sell stuff and to fix my ship

Good stuff!

I met her once on the way to red wake then never saw her again :3

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Could never forget about the one who gave me my sailboat (I did, in fact, forgot she even existed at all)

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sold her every stolen cargo on release :pray::pray:

That’s freakin’ awesome! I have a question, how do you make the faces, in terms of texture? I tried to do it once but it came out pretty shitty

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I use the ones the ingame one used