Ambidextrous Warriors

Ambidextrous Warriors
effort 3.666666666666667 3 quality 3.666666666666667 3 reasonability 4.5 4

never heard of flintknocks

a shortranged singleshot defence weapon

never heard of shortranged only heard of short ranged

also never heard of defence only heard of defense

In the most family friendly way I can put it:
(I am trying my hardest not to make a Fear and Hunger joke rn)

Wait, this entire suggestion is a band-aid fix for the limb loss system.

Lemme route you to a better idea overall, one that actually does something about this stupid feature:

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you need 2 hands to use a bow

this might help with the new weapon skill change update

Healing 3 potions and above restore lost limbs…

Too expensive to make sometimes

its 5 saint lily flowers or 10 lifeblooms it aint that hard bro

From someone who probably grinds 24/7

I play the game casually not constantly

That much just to recover a limb…

I think this is a good idea that makes sense with the theme of warrior.

…? All magic users draw their energy from the air, what’s special about Warriors is they can use that energy as an Aura

good remedy for the problem of warriors being absolutely fucked over by limbloss as opposed to other classes, but still would be slightly unfair to them if they actually lose both hands

This would be a thing if it worked but it doesn’t because of how animations are coded

It is what it is, but what it isn’t is an excuse to die

Like his game was realistic in the slighest to begin with…

exactly, at that point you are better of just resetting. Even the galleon loss is less expensive than it would be to find those reagents.