Well, I looked at the trello and saw the add more islands and storyline things here, which means that we are getting more than 2 islands!
I think we might be getting 10 islands on the launch
Well yea, I don’t think that it would be a good game if it only had 2 islands which will cause pvp right on the spawn island and the second island, so I thought it was pretty obvious that we would be getting more than 2 islands on release (on a serious note, I think we will have close to 15 islands)
vetex said he wouldn’t be releasing it until it had enough content to be fun, in-depth etc
“Island related things” doesn’t necessarily mean more island.
It could be extensions to them, special nighttime effects, a dedicated arena somewhere, even if it’s temporary and so on.
I wouldn’t get my hopes up for more Islands, if I were you.
But if we do get more Islands, it will remain single digit, for sure. We don’t need 20 islands if they will all be placeholders with no special NPCs, no story quests, island specific weapons and all the other good stuff that will come later.
It still makes sense for him to add a few more islands
But the thing is, it kinda does, cause if he leaves the game with only 2 islands then the game is absolutely butt fucked for the next few months while he adds like 15 new islands
I think 5-7 islands would be ok.
5-8 atleast. But redwake is probably gonna be the only Town so far, maybe there will be a small village who knows, there will also Be 2 huge rifts like there were in AA, LOL there’s too many rifts in that I’ve seen in AA and AA remakes I’m tired of them, can’t wait for a sea without them
I think it makes perfect sense to not add any more islands yet.
Why add more Islands if there is no story or anything thing them together?
Remember, Islands will be a lot bigger that in AA, so why have Islands that will be just hunks of landmass without anything to do on them yet.
A few wilderness Islands, sure, but 15 islands on release, hell no. That could only happen if we get 13 extra wilderness Islands, which is dumb, or we get town islands, but without towns or story NPCs or anything that would make you go there, making them boring placeholders.
Honestly, I’m not expecting more than the 2 islands mentioned explicitly on the Trello, anything more than that is just a nice plus for me.
Yeah 15 islands is dumb but not every single island has to be apart of the story and can still have content through side quests.
True, and that’s what I meant, a few wilderness island would be a nice extra, but 13 of them would be just too much.
Even adding 5 wilderness islands would be weird, like why work on so many landmasses that serve as filler, when we could have probably gotten 1 town island with side quests that will be more interesting than just 5 forests.
I’m telling you right now big dawg, no one is playing a game with only two islands of main game content. That’s like playing Open Test 2 for WoM for a month waiting for an extra island.
There has to be at least 6+ islands. If not the game is literally going to be threadbare AGAIN
Did you mean to respond to me or one of the other guys
Really? I think 4 would suffice
While I don’t think the number needs to be huge, it should at least be 4, 5-8 would be preferable. Even if some of these islands may be bare they are going to be important in the early stages of development so there isn’t constant bloodshed on just 3 islands. It does depend on the average island size as well though, hoping we get a few moderately sized islands (2 or 3 would be good in my opinion).
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