Amulet shop!

Amulet shop!
convenience 4.0 2 fairness 4.0 2 trustworthiness 4.0 2

uh any wizard robes?

reply is bugged for me

I attempted to do this, my computer couldn’t handle it. Yes, it’s that bad. So even if it’s stupid I have to give Crowns some value. This also hinders me when I want to swap items from file to another.

How much bait do you have?

Because wizard drops for fish bait. Bruh.

like a thousand

it’s amulets now

plus I was going to give hundreds of fish bait.

fish bait ezier to get then wizard stuff, and u changed it so ill remove my review


If by some miracle you can get me 150,000 fish bait I’ll give you a sunken sword :flushed:

Alex’s offer would be cheaper then lolololol

that might take more grinding than fishing for a sunken sword.

btw to just trade with you I would have to click 150,000 times

how much fish bait for clean wizard robes?
and i have amulets as well

I changed it to amulet shop. I can trade amulets for items or other amulets.