An Arcane Universe hood classic

Please don’t change this; it never ceases to amaze me.
I also appreciate the consistency of flying sharks in AA moving to AO. It’s canon, you can’t change my mind.


AO shark space program when


I really want to know the coding reason why this happens

possibly Roblox itself, but still just like the AA Days

It is a tradition at this point for arcane games to have flying sharks all of a sudden.

Maybe Vetex will add a flying shark enemy in Adventure Story? Hmmmmm…

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In all honesty, I’d love that

One day, someone will tame White Eyes, and explore space. It will not be me, probably.
(Honestly, it’d probably be a Wind user, for Air reasons)

wind controls the movement of air so I don’t think a wind user could survive space

It’s a big maybe, but they might be able to “move the air from the atmosphere with them”.
Or maybe some Alchemist will figure out a modification of Water Breathing, and make it last long enough for space exploration.

Space odyssey

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