An artistic evolution

How far has Takeshi gone?

It really is nice to look back at previous works to see how much you’ve grown as an artist.


graaaa the improvement

keep arting keep cooking m8

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Still has both eyes, both ears, both legs? Hasn’t gone far enough

Nad Id Win

Lost some braincells… courtesy of Lady Carina

What can i say bout i suck ass at face sketching, still i love this kind of rough and scribbly style, perfecto!

You will not believe the amount of freedom you get with this style…

The improvement is so friggin’ good, not only in artstyle, but also in the gradual changes to Takeshi’s design and clothes - showing both your advancement into newer territory, AND the further defining of who he is.
This side-by-side really shows it. And it’s awesome.

And here we have the before and after picture of someone getting obliterated by Julian.