An Extensive Post Of My Thoughts On Various Things Related To WOM

wait how do you do the dropdown thing.

Honestly thats was my intention as far as rare gear goes i’m fine with different gear being for different play styles i just want those gear to give at the very least slightly more of those stats than their lower rarity counterparts and to not be locked behind unnecessarily long grinds that make it so very few even bother with them.

Though i don’t consider helmets to be accessories i just consider them to be armor.
Yeah amulets are op and that you can even equip more than one is pretty odd and makes just about every other accessory pointless in comparison.

What your saying is exactly what everyone’s problem is…
Enchanting will always be important 20% is extremely important to everyone who does anything pvp related or is like me and tends to fight 8 bandits at once.
Vetex doesn’t need to add hundreds of hours of content he just needs to make the content we have fun to play the first time and repeatable for a while afterwords which is what vetex has been doing and as such that argument can’t really even be applied towards enchanting.
That’s the entire point, it is there purely to make players grind for ridiculous amounts of time.
Enchanting could easily still be rng based just with an option to disenchant if you didn’t want the enchantment, that way while it may take several hours to roll for whatever suits your build you don’t have to grind for an already mindnumbingly rare item again just to get a chance to get the 20% bonus that you need/want for your build.

Editor Note Of Sorts V.1
[ V.2 will be in a new section in the post that serves as a way for people to be able to have a vague idea of how the post has changed with time ]

I just sectioned a couple areas of the post for looks and overall functionality.
I also added a bit more to the gear and npc section.

Yay V.2 is out! from now on info on changes to this post will be found in the update log section.

V.2.1 is out… by that i mean i made the post for polls, though it only has one poll atm so it’s mainly there so that the polls section wasn’t empty.

V.3 - Rewrote the rarity section to the point where it’s almost something that if i put it in suggestions it would actually go somewhere.
it’s still only a vague thought on what i think though, game balance isn’t something that i’m great at.

Then you’d have an issue of people using Power Amulets over Defense Amulets due to the Hard enchantment existing and amulets themselves being super common as well.

Though if you made Power Amulets give less power like how wizard robes give less stats than gear that give other stats, it’d kind of balance them.

yeah the rate at which you can obtain amulets is far to high to say the least.
I actually don’t mind people using power amulets with the hard enchantment though the hard enchantment could use a nerf on non defense based accessories.
On a side note i’m hoping that dull amulets will be turned into an uncommon drop later and have the rarity increase with each tier to help balance them, unless they get nerfed in some way in which case i have no issues.

70 defense is a bit much for it’s level…