An Extensive Post Of My Thoughts On Various Things Related To WOM

Welcome to my extensive post on my thoughts of WOM, before replying please at the very least read the disclaimers section.

  1. While this post contains several things that are suggestions they aren’t exactly me directly saying add this and aren’t 100% serious suggestions so as such they shouldn’t violate any rules.
    [ for whatever reason quite a few people don’t like people talking about non solidified ideas in game discussion even though game discussion is for you know discussing all sorts of things about the game ]
  2. I’m open to criticism just don’t be a jerk about it
  3. I love WOM as a whole and believe it has alot of potential in the coming years, I however have a few serious issues with many of the game’s fundamental mechanics.
    So if i sound like i’m hating on the game i’m not trying to, i just want the game as a whole to be the best that it can be.
  4. This post covers alot of topics and as such isn’t meant to be read in a particular order
  5. My personal opinions may shine through here and there, but for the most part i’ll attempt to keep it as unbiased as is humanly possible.
  6. I’ll likely update this post on occasion as the game gets updated so what your currently reading is by no means the final version.
  7. Mods if this post gets off topic in the reply section please just delete the off topic posts or close the reply section for a couple hours to let it cool off. Instead of deleting this entire topic, i spent hours writing this and would very much appreciate it if those hours weren’t spent in vain.
  8. My thoughts may seem a bit unorganized if your reading only a couple sections but they should overall give a good impression on what i think of the game as a whole when entirely read.
    Though i probably forgot a couple things here and there so even when read entirely a couple things may seem only half written.

As far as advertising goes the page for WOM could use more accurate thumbnails, a more accurate description and whatever adds are made should reflect upon the current game not what it’ll look like long term as that will just end up disappointing new players.
[ i have an add blocker so i haven’t seen any written adds and am not even sure if vetex has made any but i figured i should include them anyhow ]


Due to the nature of WOM and the platform that it’s on the playerbase will most likely cap at around 10k-100k.
Which is fine honestly I don’t have an issue with the game only ever being in the top 20 as far as popularity goes, i do however have a slight issue with the way the game presents itself though in relation to it’s playerbase.
It might just be me but it seems as if the game isn’t presented for it’s target audience properly,
i can’t put my finger on it exactly but the game feels like it’s somewhere in the middle between 10-18+ when it should just be going for 13+.


Ah monetization the bread and butter of the modern era…

As long as it stays non ptw i’m fine with monetization however that doesn’t seem to be the case long term. Granted the double bank size & automatically sending any crowns you earn above the cap to your bank passes, are only ideas atm but even so they just shouldn’t be considered at all because they would be practically essential which wouldn’t be fair at all to the majority of the playerbase who don’t spend $ on robux.

Currently my issues with the game’s monetization to be blunt is the gamepasses [ except for the animation ones ] are overpriced for what they offer.
The 3 files gamepass should be around 300 not 600.
The muscles gamepass should allow you to have muscles in places other than just your arms.
I don’t have any problems with donations as they were done extremely well.

3rd Party Software

I shouldn’t even of had to make this section but yeah…

3rd Party Software that has a direct impact on the game which includes macros, hacks and various other stuff should under no circumstances be allowed in gaming, for what i thought was obvious but as any who uses the WOM forums can see not everyone can grasp it so here’s a list of why 3rd Party Software that has a direct impact on the game is bad.

  1. Gives an unfair advantage over those who don’t have it & or can’t get it realistically.
    [ one could argue that anyone can get 3rd party software but if you use that train of logic you can easily justify hacking ]
  2. Automates the game which can be easily abused in a way that allows one player to work at the pace of 100+ players which is just…
  3. Ruins the entire point of gaming which is to play it yourself with what’s in the game or what the game supports such as mods.
    I shouldn’t have had to point that out but apparently people have forgotten what gaming is.
Game Development

I can deal with the current pace of updates but when realistically possible vetex could benefit from outsourcing more of it to people who are willing to do so for free as long as they get credit for whatever they help with.



The game looks pretty nice overall considering the engine that it’s built on and that it’s mainly a solo project.
I would however like for the game to eventually have a custom low graphics mode that can be customized & at some point for there to be alot of extra details that can be toggled on and off for those who have a higher end device.
A couple good examples of what WOM could look like with better graphics options are Shanyue & Bedroom Showcase.
Though admittedly WOM will likely never be able to handle graphics on that scale.
However it wouldn’t hurt for WOM to at the very least take a couple notes from them and get as close as it can without dropping a nuke on the game’s performance.
That way those with high end devices can enjoy the game to the fullest & that those with lower end devices can get better performance.


Rarity in WOM is pretty umm… unbalanced to say the least right now.
Common items are what’d you expect
Uncommon items are decent?
But rare items wtf happened here
let’s dive in shall we?

Common was done pretty well in the game overall, it has what you’d expect for it’s difficulty to get.
Uncommon is ok, i suppose it needs a bit of tweaking but i don’t hate it.
But the second you enter into rare the game’s balance breaks, however not in the way you’d expect.
Rare items in world of magic are so underwhelming that the vast majority of players just don’t even bother with them… [ except for the weapons ]
Of course not everyone seems to realize this so lemme explain.

So originally i was going to just write a huge rant as to why rare items feel so pointless to bother with but after several hours of typing i decided that it would be best to just write it on a point by point basis of why this is an issue and how i believe this issue could be resolved without breaking the game’s balance.

Why do i feel that rare items aren’t worthwhile?

  1. Enchanting can make rare items next to worthless and multiplies the grind by 8x for armor & accessories and 3x for weapons in order to obtain an item’s full potential. [+20% ish stat increase]

  2. Unnecessarily long grinds for just rare items that effectively make it so that most won’t even bother with them.

  3. The stats on rare items range from worse than common to slightly better than common.
    In short it doesn’t seem to be basing itself off of common items when it should.

  4. To simplify the points mentioned above, the Effort:Reward ratio is unbalanced and as such no sane individual will bother with it.


Here’s what i believe would help make rare gear worthwhile but still balanced.

  1. Weapons remaining as they are stat wise - I have no problem with them giving only slightly better damage but having really useful abilities. [ as long as they aren’t completely broken ]

  2. Set bonuses - This would encourage people to grind for entire sets while rewarding them for their effort.
    Should probably only apply to items that are rare tier or higher and give a 25% stat increase.

  3. Enchanting - I’ve already covered it in the enchanting section but to simplify it add the ability to re enchant items that way even if you get an enchantment that subtracts from your build that item that you enchanted isn’t worthless to you.
    [ would also have the side effect of making there be alot more rare items being traded around because some wouldn’t be effectively worthless, though the price of items with certain enchantments would decrease by 20%-50%ish ]

  4. Always basing the stats of an item of higher rarity off of the stats of common items at it’s lvl - Meaning that a lvl 250 rare item is on average 2.2x better than a lvl 250 common item and that a lvl 1,000 rare item is on average 2.2x better than a lvl 1,000 common item.
    [ this would also make it so that there is a fixed advantage to having rare items instead of the advantage growing with lvl which in some cases only serves to make an item next to useless until it’s at it’s lvl cap. Note that doesn’t include set bonuses ]
    [ i got 2.2x because rare items give two stats instead of 1 ]

  5. Making it so that item drop rates of items in the same tier of rarity deviate less - By that i mean making it so that there aren’t massive gaps in the amount of time it takes to get say an item from the minotaur set in comparison to the sunken iron set.
    Here’s an example
    Common item<>5-15 minutes to get
    Rare item<>3-5 Hours to get as opposed to the current 8-15 hours

Now here’s a graph of sorts about how I believe the Effort:Reward Ratio should look like
Effort:Reward Ratio
Common><>normal stats of 1 stat type<><>5-15 minutes to get per piece
Uncommon<><>1.1x of normal stats of 1 stat type<><>30-90 minutes to get per piece
Rare<><>1.1x of normal stats of 2 stat types<><>3-5 hours to get per piece
Exotic<><>1.25x of normal stats of 2 stat types<><>10-15 hours to get per piece
Legendary<><>1.5x of normal stats of 3 stat types?<><> 25-30 hours to get per piece

Since i’m sure that there are some who are confused by what i just said, here’s a basic example of what it actually translates to.

lvl 50 common [ 1 stat ] item <> 20 magic size <> 5-15 minutes to obtain
lvl 50 common [ 1 stat ] item <> 20 destruction <> 5-15 minutes to obtain
lvl 50 rare [ 2 stats ] item <> 22 magic size, 22 destruction <> 3-5 hours to obtain

Hopefully that gave you an idea of what i’m talking about.

With rarity working along those lines, grinding for rare+ gear will be worthwhile but won’t make you a pvp god all of a sudden.
If your skill level isn’t at or any where near your opponent’s it shouldn’t matter if you have legendary gear and they only have common gear, your gonna lose that fight.
As a wise individual once said “balanced as all things should be”.


Why are helmets worthless?
No seriously when was the last time you used a helmet for anything other than cosmetic purposes?
I’ma bet never because they aren’t even comparable to anything else that you could be putting in that slot.

That’s really my only major gripe with gear [ excluding the current effort:reward ratio issues with rarity but i’ve already covered that in the rarity section ] and that could be fixed within an hour in the studio.
Just swap the title slot to the left, remove one of the accessory slots and have the right side look like this " helmet - chest - boots/lower armor "
and the left like this " accessory 1 - accessory 2 - title "

The only other issues i have relatively minor but still worth mentioning.

Helmets and boots/lower armor should give 75% of the stats of chest armor instead of 50% because while i can understand them not giving as much due to their size i can’t believe that combined they’d only give the amount that chest armor gives.

Your should only be able to equip one amulet [ that or nerf them but i’d rather it just be that you can only equip one ] because right now due to them being the single best accessory, everyone for the most part just wears 2-3 amulets and doesn’t even mess with anything else unless it’s for cosmetic reasons.

Accessories overall need to be rebalanced, some accessories are just… worthless for their lvl.

And finally that we could also use more gear but that’s already planned so onwards to the next section!


Originally i was gonna call this section “Drop rates” but since i’ve already talked about what drop rates should look like in portion to rarity in the rarity section let’s just talk about the game’s over reliance on rng instead.

I love rng because when implemented right it can make a game feel completely different every time you play through it. However there is such a thing as too much rng…
Almost every core feature in the game relies on rng to some extent which is just too much, I love rng but damn WOM needs to take a step down and sip on rng juice not chug it.


Since i’ve already said all that can be realistically said on the matter, all i’ll say is that re enchanting should a feature and that enchantment scrolls should have a 1/1500 drop rate in chests & let you choose any enchantment that you want. Instead of having to get certain scrolls for certain enchantments.

Side Content

Fishing - Without factoring in the fact that fishing is barely worth your time even at lower levels as far as $ making is concerned, WOM has the single best fishing system on roblox to my knowledge.
Now here’s why i’d make such an audacious claim.

-There are 93 fish all of which are separated by time, rarity & location.

-You can fish while siting or doing pushups ect.

-Good fishing animation

-Each fish has at least a decent quality 2D & 3D model

-Fishing Journal

-On top of there already being 93 fish each of which have a 2D & 3D model, each fish also has 3 variants, small, giant & golden which again also have a 2D & 3D model which makes for a grand total of 372 fish technically.

I highly doubt any other game on roblox can even come close to this and with that said i rest my case.

Will write about whatever new side content when we get more.


Overall i love the way vetex set up WOM’s economy.
I do however have 2 major and 1 minor complaint that’s worth noting, shop keepers only giving you 25% of the value of an item’s value when you sell it to them, being able to sell any type of item to any type of shop keeper & various items needing to have their value adjusted.

When selling to a shop keeper you should get at least 50% of whatever your selling’s value which would also make fishing worthwhile but not op as a nice side bonus.

Why does the alchemist buy fish? Seriously that you can sell any type of item to anyone just doesn’t make sense to me.
Being able to only sell certain types of items to certain types of npcs would also make players use other npcs more often instead of just the fisher, smith & alchemist.
Though i wouldn’t recommend this feature being added until we can sort our inventories because having to scroll and scroll when selling would be a major nuisance.

Some items are worth alot more than you’d think they would such as smoke arrows being worth 3 crowns, i could name a large list of items but i’ll just sum it up as some items need to be tweaked slightly.

I didn’t mention this in my complaints but could you stop making an item worthless when people start using it as a 2nd currency vetex?
I know you don’t want people to stockpile $ but come on mate just remove the crown cap if you don’t want players to get around it.
[ once we can safely store crowns anyhow ]

Character Creation

Character creation is spot on everywhere but the magic selection screen.
There should be a way to view each magic’s clashes, interactions and multipliers in the magic selection screen aswell as a way to view them afterwards. [ in a hint section in the menu? ]


I’ll cover this later because this may very well be the largest section other than the update log and storyline section.
Will include details on every single magic.


Right now the tutorial is passable but later on it’d be nice if when you first start a character you get the option to get teleported to an area on the map [ in one of the major cities? ] where you can complete a novice, apprentice and master tutorial each of which will teach you various things without overwhelming new players with a ton of information all at once.
To resolve the issue of new players suddenly being teleported to a high level area, perhaps there could be a way to teleport to your hometown somewhere near the tutorial area?
Completing each tutorial could possibly give a nice little title / cosmetic item for completing?


Quests right now are pretty stale and could use some more variety instead of just “fetch this” or “kill this”.
This particularly popular post that i got featured in gives alot of ideas that would make quests more interactive and more entertaining.


The way that you gain both positive & negative is pretty good for the most part but the way that you lose rep is not so great…
Fortunately for me i already wrote a post on how rep gains/ loses [ depending on how you look at it ] should function so here ya go


Npcs in WOM are passable but i have one serious issue with them, which is they don’t move around in anywhere but towns! Other than lack of movement i only have a couple other issues such as that they could use more variety in their dialog, appearances, and types.

While i would like npcs to have several dialog choices i’m also fine with the way current dialog works as it’s overall pretty varied and if you dig deep enough you can from time to time find some pretty interesting information.

For appearances i just want npcs to have more varied clothing colors, clothing types and to occasionally have some pretty wacky hair styles.

Since more npc types will most certainly be added with time i’ll just give a couple examples.
Assassins, town guards, wandering caravans ect.

At some point [ assuming it won’t nuke performance ] npcs in bandit camps+, magic council camps+ and npcs that randomly spawn in various locations should be able to move around a bit such walking around roads, wandering the woods & walking around camps+.
Eventually they’ll just walk around to where they spawn and repeat the process but it would be nice to see something other than npcs in the wild just standing and staring off into the distance.
[ could also serve as a way for npcs that chase after players to go back to their original location? ]

PvP Combat

Admittedly I’ve only fought 5 battles that i can consider to be PvP and my skill at PvP is only above average so my perception on it is based on that.

Magic types appear to be balanced overall and can be quite useful but never worthless or broken depending on different situations so i don’t see any fault there.

Clashes are pretty balanced and as such rarely make a battle completely one sided.

Spells are mostly balanced as long as your moving and spend a good portion of the fight in mid air, though if your on the ground all the time placed explosions will be the end of you.

Gear matters in PvP but only if it gives alot of power or defense.
[ stats in WOM need to be reworked a bit more but as that’s already planned and has been done to death so i’ll just leave that out of this post ]

Fighting with weapons in pvp is pretty fun and balanced but from what i can tell the sunken sword could use a larger cooldown for it’s ability because it’s a bit broken.

To sum PvP up it’s balanced overall and depends entirely on a combination of situation, gear and skill, the latter being the deciding factor in most cases.

PvE Combat

I don’t actually have much to say on PvE other than that it’s pretty fun overall but the AI needs to be tweaked with a bit and could use better environmental awareness & tactics. [ that i haven’t already said in the Npc section ]

What i mean by tweaking is that Npcs don’t register that your attacking their buddies nearly as often as they should and often times they won’t even register that your there until you stab them which makes fighting them painfully easy.
When their AI registers that your nearby and or registers that you just attacked them it works wonderfully and can be quite entertaining sometimes but when it doesn’t i might as well be fighting a wall.

Environmental awareness and better tactics are admittedly pretty minor complaints compared to npcs not registering you, but i still would appreciate it if npcs would work together to flank you if your hiding behind a rock/large object and wouldn’t constantly fire at you when your behind cover.
The latter being my main focus as if your in a building in a city as a negative rep the magic council will destroy the entire building without a second thought.


Since we haven’t seen much on the first bosses i can’t really comment.

Does king David count as a boss? I don’t think he does as he’s painfully easy to deal with if you know how to cheese his AI. [ I haven’t actually fought him so i’m just going off of what I’ve read on the forums ]

Though from what we know on the minotaur they are gonna be nothing short of amazing and difficult to fight.

Storyline - Overall

I’ll fill in this section sometime after Storyline Update V5 - V10?

Storyline - Postitive Rep

I’ll fill in this section after the Storyline V1 Update releases.

Storyline - Negative Rep

I’ll fill in this section after the Storyline V1 Update releases

Za Worldo

Overall the world is pretty ^-^ awesome, it just needs a couple adjustments, and to be completed.
However there are a few things, both good and bad that i’d like to mention.

First i’ll begin with the positive

-The world feels open and is incredibly detailed for the most part.

-The Towns that are currently in the game feel like actual towns, though they could be worked on a bit more to be a bit more lively. [ I can’t wait to see what cities & major cites will end up looking like ]

-There are plenty of little hidden areas to explore and loot

-Npc spawns are usually not to far apart nor are they too close

-Random structures that spawn from time to time [ makes wandering around the map feel far less repetitive ]

-High quality & accurate map that also has several quality of life features.
-Now The Negative…

-The trees!!! Fix their hitboxes pls vetex.

-Lag on lower end devices in certain areas [a custom low quality mode could help with this issue]

-The oceans are empty wastelands…
Here’s a link to my suggestion on how to make the oceans a bit less empty…


Will fill in once we can travel around the map on horses or by flying.


The lore could use a bit more depth to it but i don’t actually have any major issues with it so i don’t have much to say on it other than don’t let lore get in the way of major quality of life features that would make the game more fun for everyone " stares at disenchanting ".

Ancient Language

So as someone who has deciphered it i can say it’s pretty cool but as i can’t talk about it any further in public i’ll just say that we need more material! 3 tablets and a magic circle is nice and all but we could really use more.


Future Content

Overall i like the direction that the game is going from what i can tell based off of the publicly available information on the trello.
But even so i couldn’t help but notice a few things that will likely suck and subtract from the game particularly Hunger.

Hunger may turn out to be awesome but if it isn’t done right it’ll just be a tedious mechanic that does nothing but irritate players.
From what i can tell from the trello it won’t be but i figured it was worth mentioning as it could if done wrong make the game unplayable for a large portion of the playerbase.

Other than hunger i couldn’t find anything that i felt was noteworthy bad so i’ll just wait and see…

Links To Various Things That Are Related To WOM That I Believe Are Noteworthy And Weren't Included In Any Of The Former Sections

Polls/ Data Collection

Credits To Those Who Gave Me Additional Ideas That'll Improve This Post

@Pip_Zog Gave me a couple examples of what the roblox engine is capable of and what WOM could look like with a major graphics overhaul.
@NoBanana Pointed out how being able to equip more than one amulet completely ruins the point of other accessories types.

Update Log

This section is mainly for me but feel read to it if you like this kind of thing.
[ also every time i edit the post to a degree that adds at least another minute of reading to it i’ll put a reply down below that saying something like “Za post has been updated” so that the post can be further up in the recent section and that those who’ve already read the post can read the newer bits ]

V.1 - Finished the post after 6 hours of typing away, posted it, made a couple revisions to grammer, added a couple things to the graphics section, added the <><> lines to separate the post a bit, added the transportation section and made the storyline section into two sections instead of one.

V.2 Added the Update Log section, made the storyline section into 3 section sections instead of two, added the magic section & added a couple thing to the PvE section and split the combat section into the PvE and PvP sections to make it easier to pick and choose what you want to read.

V.2.1 I set up the post for the polls section, put a link to it & will add a couple dozen more polls to it a later date.

V.3 Rewrote the majority of the rarity section after realizing that what i wrote was pretty meh and wouldn’t work…
I also added a couple other things such as a small side note to the enchanting section.

V.3.1 Added a couple more links to the links section.

V.3.2 Rewrote the enchanting section to be a little more civil. 8/27/2020

V.3.3 Deleted the “Dear Vetex” Section because I felt it was a bit cringy.
Valid and on point but a bit cringe, so i sent it to the void.
I also re wrote the enchanting section again…
This time i just simplified it so as to not drag the matter on. 9/14/2020

One last thing before i round this post up, pls vote on the polls that i linked and leave a reply down below if you have something you’d like to say.
Thanks you and have a good day / night to everyone who read all of this and to those who only read a couple sections :heart:
[ not gonna judge ya for that because admittedly this post is a pretty long read ]


For those wondering it took me a little over 9 hours to write all of this.


phattest bruh

helmets are not useless lol

:c wait are you in like the pheonix clan that was in AA >:c

next to worthless admittedly calling helmets worthless is unnecessarily harsh.

Are you in the pheonix clan that was in AA

nah i unfortunately never got the chance to play AA as i didn’t use roblox very often back then if at all.

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:c i mean the game does looks good but i have seems games on roblox that i will think that someone went outside and took a pic

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hmmm true i have a seen a couple that look a bit better, though i can’t say that i’ve had the pleasure to play any games on roblox that have that level of detail.

I can send you one of you want .-.

sure i can’t say that i’ll play em extensively but i’m interested in this photo level of detail that you mentioned.
It took me awhile to reply because my brain is fried from writing this topic for 6 hours straight lol.

damn i knew that the engine could do some stuff but just damn!
WOM could certainly use a bit of that level of graphics quality.

Nice post, but I do think a few of your points are only relevant to the current state of the game and will not be an issue later on, such as the lack of quest variety.

As you should know, new quest types are bolted onto every normal update.

The tutorial will also probably be improved upon later into the game, with either more content within it, having the story teach you, or the addition of that trial mentioned on the trello before you obtain your first magic.

yup hopefully they will be resolved with more updates.
Quest variety most certainly will.

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My thoughts on what’s being said in this post:


Agree 100%, this really needs to be emphasized imo

3rd Party Software

Angry rant time:

Fuck off, it took me a week of effort to learn an entirely new programming language to me and make my autofisher, refine it, and get a good system going. there is literally no one who can run roblox and can’t get it realistically, they just have to put down fishing and try coding

Not even fucking close to true, it’s just that I can fish for 8 hours overnight when someone else can fish for 8 hours in the day. It still took me about 5-6 days of constant fishing night and day to get my first sunken at 8.8k

You literally go on to call the RNG total bullshit, and that you hate the enchantment system, but also say that people should just “play the game how it is”?
Angry rant over.

Game Development

He did deny this idea, as he’d like to keep control over the style of the game and inspecting things from volunteers would slow him down, but maybe some scripting could be outsourced?


I really love the low graphics mode, but high graphics feels really really unnecessary and there is a really good reason stuff like the bedroom showcase doesn’t have multiplayer or any gameplay in it, it’d be really hard to actually make work with mechanics without being very very unoptimized


I agree with most of the rarity section, but these rates are fucking insane. it’d make it so that someone who no-lifes the game could have something like 3x normal gear power, defense, and like magic speed on every piece of gear, and completely destroy anyone rare and below if they have any semblance of skill. It’d basically make it a requirement for pvp to sink insane hours into grinding, which just sucks for anyone trying to get into it


Implementing this stuff in the gear section would really fuck up the current meta, and basically force everyone to have lower stats than current, and then doing the 50% to 75% change would make everyone really really powerful for our level. I believe the gear is good as-is, but it needs a better way to be obtained


I totally agree, holy shit, especially if the current RNG keeps scaling up


Thank you for including this for all the people that think “oh you can just not enchant”
24% is the damage difference between a full-sized and a 20-size blast. 20% is a huge increase

Yeah, I can also see literally no reason for this system other than sucking out the fun

I think that if both of these ideas are implemented at the same time, they’ll work, but if only the rare gear getting more is implemented, it’ll destroy pvp and make the grind for stuff like powerful sunken armor fucking soul-crushing


for me personally, I’ve found fishing to already be really really OP money-wise, I’ve gotten around 15k bait (I have caught 9k fish and I have around 6k bait on me), plus an almost completed hybrid build to give to a friend, just from starting with a few hundred bait and autofishing a ton. But that’s just me, this could be really good in the short term for people who aren’t as dedicated and it would make selling stuff from chest routes give a good boost.

Yes, 100x yes. the crown cap is way too fuckin low for our level, upgrading one single sunken twice takes 1.7k crowns, which will be hell to get if we can’t store crowns in some way

Character Creation

This is a great idea, but a lot of work


Yes, and the post you linked is fucking amazing and the community coming together to make a bunch of quest ideas it’s great


Completely true, but I have no clue how this would work without nuking performance. maybe vetex can find a way


Yeah I agree, especially since the sunken sword is being nerfed in the next update

The World


yes, please

this is actually a problem I haven’t thought about, it’s a great idea to improve them


I mean the lore doc is very shallow, but the AA webcomic goes so much more in-depth and is still being written, so look to that for more detailed story

Future Content

Yeah I agree, I’d really hate for people to be turned away from this game because they see hunger or get fucked by hunger

Dear Vetex...

Yes man please, it’s really kinda frusturating seeing the community outcry about the enchanting system and then you just brushing it off as “not being changed” or the suggestions as “never happening”

And with my above statement, this too, please don’t burn yourself out, developing can be hard, just try to not stress too much

Feel free to discuss any of my points, but I might not be awake to see them for a while

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I’ve read a bit of the webcomic actually, it’s a pretty good read :+1:

yeah having graphics of that scale would nuke performance in WOM, however it wouldn’t kill WOM to take them as an example and see if it can just get a tad closer.

As far as fishing goes economically i’m just talking about fishing without an autofisher.

Both enchanting ideas should be added as if it was just an increase to rare gear it would make it all the more crushing as you pointed out which would just worsen the current problem.

yeah making helmets be there own slot would screw with the meta but there really isn’t a good way to make them viable without either buffing them to the stats of chest armor or debuffing accessories instead.
Though i don’t think buffing the stats of helmets and lower armor by 25% would make people more powerful i believe it would counterbalance not being able to have 3 amulets equipped.

Yeah the rates are insane, personally i think legendary gear should only take 20 hours per piece max to get but i decided to take the safe route and go somewhere in the middle between impossible and feasible.

100+ is a bit much i’ll admit to that much, but if you use an autofisher [ assuming you have bait ] you can easily just grind out bait on another account while your autofishing on the other and at the very least work at 2x the pace of those without an autofisher.
sorry if i sounded like those who say “play the game how it is” i meant to come across more like this. “play video games like they are meant to played which is by players not bots”

yeah the enchanting system right now is genuinely just a way to keep the player count from dropping, just another way to bloat the amount of time people spend on the game

the only people playing after maxing out are the ones trying to get the best builds since there’s really nothing to do after hitting max bar fishing and chest hunting

personally the garbo enchanting system is the reason i haven’t enchanted any of the sunken stuff i’ve got minus the sword

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4,000 words - I think that’s the longest post on the forum (maybe some RP post beats it).

Your section on rarity is interesting because what you describe as wanting is pretty much what we have. Uncommon gear is marginally better than common gear at its level, rare gear is about twice as good but split over two stats.

I think rare gear should be gimmicky and interesting, not “objectively better”. I like the idea behind sunken armour and minotaur gear - Defence + Magic Size or Agility + Destruction is not a good build, but new armours enable them by providing massively overstatted gear for it. These armours are providing around double the raw stats of a common piece of gear - the reason they’re garbage is because logarithmic scaling solved nothing and the 6 percentile stats are going to continue to be useless until we fall off the level cap for those armour sets.

Minotaur gear isn’t bad statistically, it’s just suffers from not having either of the two stats that actually scale properly.

Helmets aren’t the only thing that’s worthless - all accessories except amulets are worthless, because equipment doesn’t have a lot of room for interesting tradeoffs. The reason everyone uses amulets is because amulets happen to be the best gear you can put in an accessory slot - you could nerf amulets, but then you have an identical problem with some other piece of gear, and amulets are worthless.

My preferred solution would be to put a restriction on amulets to give them a reason for being better - you can only equip one amulet.

This means you have to decide which stat you want to prioritise with your amulet, rather than just filling every slot with them.

I view enchanting as a simple time sink that allows vetex to focus his attention on making content that everyone can enjoy, rather than trying to keep up with the several hundred hour grinders. It should become more of a min-max thing and less important as the game goes on (20% is big, but late game gear will provide way more).

I much prefer vetex taking the lazy option and putting perfect items behind an RNG grind 100s of hours long, compared to him actually putting time and effort into making good content that takes 100s of hours to complete.
The vast majority of players aren’t going to spend 100s of hours on the game between updates. It’s wasted effort, and just means the majority of the playerbase can’t experience the content.

Think sunken sword - it’s good on its own merits, and even with a bad enchant it’s still a good weapon and worth using. This is what all items should (and will eventually) be, especially the rare ones with high base stats. Buffing enchantments on rare gear would make the problem worse, as now rare gear needs the perfect enchantment to compete with alternatives.

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