An Issue with Specific Parts of the Map

What were you doing before bug occurred:
There’s a bug with specific parts of the ocean that were once story locations where if you were to go back to that area your boat starts to move at a snail’s pace and you get an fps drop.

Steps to reproduce:
I believe it’s correlated to areas of the map that are ocean and were once story locations since I only have this issue when I enter these specific areas. Additionally, if I try to avoid these specific areas then I don’t get these issues whatsoever.

F9 Logs ( press f9 to view them in-game): write here

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These areas where I marked in red are around where the issue takes place. They should be the same as the locations the story makes you go when going to Mt. Othrys and for Forest of Masts. Additionally, the spots for Mt. Othrys have issues in both Nimbus and Bronze Seas.


I was wondering why this happened

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