An official introduction

Just figured it was worth introducing myself. Hi. I’m Sykadelik but you can just call me Syka if you prefer. I’m new to the forums. I was introduced to the game not too long ago, and I’ve since fallen in love with it. It has very quickly taken my #1 Roblox game spot. I am very into game lore, and am always theorising about everything. I hope we can all have a great time here together, and I hope all your Arcane Odysseys go splendidly!


Welcome to the forums Syka!

If you like lore, here’s a thread that has dove pretty deep into a riddle behind the game’s lore. Here you’ll be able to find many others who love the lore and have create some mind bending theories on the future story.

Thanks, I’ll check it out! Glad to be here!

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If you want to discuss about lore, you should look for @PinkButterflyGaming
(Didn’t notice this was 22 days old oops)