You all asked for you go, Arcane Odyssey Riddle pt. 2

some of you guys would look really good wearing one of these:

Yeah, this is juxtaposition Ive noticed for a while when it comes to the two MCs. Heck, PK’s mentor, Theos, iirc was someone who avoiced conflict and only focused on Durza. He was more of a man of peace who disliked attention and conflict.

AO MC on the other hand, constantly gets into conflicts at the first mention that something is wrong. But its more easier to cause a domino effecf in the War Seas as things seems to be a lot more interconnected too

Most people assumed from this riddle thats its literally Peace vs War, though Tech rebuted that a few times. Didnt help that the original sources of the quotes were like “Art of War” and the other has “Peace” in its name, I forgor

There is one person that said theyre complementary, and same person was the closest, but idk which exact parts were spot on with. Tech said that this is literally spelling it out for us, so the answer might be a lot simpler than it looks.

Bold of you to assume Im not wearing that all the time

Alr, they are complementary and it is spelling it out for us, this will be easy.

Let’s review a few theories:

  1. Arcane Odyssey is ‘rhyming’ with Arcane Adventures.

    • Arcane Odyssey is being used to display both planned Arcane Adventures content and to recycle older ideas from AA.
    • Shura the Acid Samurai who was planned for the Fourth Sea, Savaria + Sabura vs Sameria, Doom Island vs Shell Island, the rich/middle/poor districts of Alelea vs Ravenna towns, the racist sky kingdoms of Cerulea vs Skyhall, Dawn island vs Newground Island, Grand Navy vs Arcane Government, etc.
    • AO isn’t just taking place in the same universe as AA, it is also following vaguely similar story beats and concepts, like the Star Wars prequels vs the original trilogy. Hence the rhyme idea.
  2. AO MC is a legacy descendant of both Poseidon and Zeus, which is why we are slightly more powerful than Morden (Hades) or Tucker (Athena or Zeus).

    • MC reasoning- the closest thing to a canon build is Lightning Savant. Then, we awaken with Poseidon’s help, who seems to care about us a lot. Assuming that like AA, awakening gives us a new magic rather than a new fighting style, Water seems reasonable to me as if we are going Storm (lightning-water-wind).
    • Morden reasoning- edgy, black theme, Death curse. It’s not a big leap.
    • Tucker reasoning- his one defining trait is that he is clever, so why not Athena? Or Zeus to complete the Poseidon-Hades-Zeus trio.
  3. The Order isn’t trying to free Chaos- it is trying to free Hades.

    • Chaos isn’t trapped anywhere, because it is free enough to nuke Akursius and the Old Seas. To my knowledge, it is just floating around in space, watching and waiting for funny things like genocides to happen. Plus, who would trap it anywhere? Creation? According to the Unknowns concept, they consider Chaos to be more powerful than Creation.
    • Hades, on the other hand, is in the Underworld, which in this canon apparently has one entrance far to the south. The AO MC’s journey is southward, and apparently everyone with sensing can sense some dark presence far to the south.
    • In the War of the Gods, Cursebeard and company use magic to overthrow the Olympians. I seriously doubt that they just went ‘Nah, lets leave Hades alone, he’s chill.’ But I can also see why they weren’t eager to invade the underworld to go after the last god. So, an easy solution is to just magically block the entrance to keep him out of Cursebeard’s way. If he ever breaks out to challenge them, then Cursebeard and company can just kill him without needing to fight through the underworld.
    • This would result in Hades not being able to physically leave the Underworld, so then he tries to influence things via Durza- not because he feels like it, but because it is his only option. Using Durza, he experiments with dark magic, figuring out how to extend its power. Hey, that sounds almost exactly like what the Order of Aesir is trying to do, that’s crazy. Using Durza, he kills Cursebeard, the only person who could realistically threaten him.
    • Once Durza is taken out, Hades reaches out to the Order of Aesir to free him, since he can teach them everything he has learned about extending the power of magic. Then, he can kill the Peacekeeper and rule the world through magic humans, which, having overthrown the gods and titans, are now the apex species of the planet.
    • Back to rhyme theory- everybody seems frustrated that suddenly it was announced that Hades was the one influencing Durza, because it ‘cheapens’ the Durza vs Peacekeeper fight. But what if I told you- that was the POINT. Back in the AA era, the Durza vs Peacekeeper fight was supposed to be the ultimate final battle of destiny or whatever. But Roblox broke AA, and now we will never see it. So, the REAL final battle of ultimate destiny will be AO MC + Peacekeeper vs Hades, who was the real bad guy all along. Sure, it cheapens AA, but it also moves the finale of AA to AO so that we can actually experience the conclusion of both stories.
  4. Final unpopular theory, because the next part of the Peacekeeper’s quest involves destroying all curses, and our friend Morden is a Death Curse user and a descendant of Hades, it would be convenient to the plot if Morden sided with Hades and we kill him, and then the Death Curse is the first one that the Peacekeeper destroys.

To conclude, Dove is Peacekeeper because dove and peace. Eagle is AO MC because we are descended from Zeus + lightning magic, and the riddle is about war because we get in fights everywhere.
So, the riddle means that AO MC and Peacekeeper will team up and their opposite styles of brash conflict and cautious peacemaking will complement each other for the final battle in the Underworld against Hades.

Nah this is absolutely true and I just spoiled the story finale for all of you.

Interesting theory but Hades being the final boss won’t work
Firstly, cuz of this

Secondly, in the feb qna vetex stated that the player won’t ever be required to go into dark sea and that noone really goes into the dark sea lorewise (53:50). If Hades really is the aberrant then that would mean we would have to find him in Dark Sea which contradicts what vetex said before

Yeah, I dont think Hades will be the final boss either. I think the final boss is an entirely new entity in the lore that we havent heard of yet, a dangerous being that was sealed and unsealed throughout history.

That doesnt mean Abherrant might not be the final boss tho. All we know about it rn is that its in the far south, and we know about two kingdoms in the far south. (Corsair Country is one of them, Ryujin Dynasty is another), it doesnt have to be in the Dark Sea, might still be part of the War Seas.

Also, the fact that its so strong that someone with high sensing can literally sense it from afar and actually BE AFFECTED by it is an indication of how strong it is. The Abherrant being our final boss isnt too unlikely.

This thread is very long so im not sure but has freedrock been mentioned for the solution of this riddle at all so far?

Wasn’t Hadès grippes by the PK?

Hello all

I sure hope this riddle has nothing to do with a spirit weapon which may or may not have belonged to a certain Tucker. Z. Arcane.

I feel like everyone’s kinda jumping into assumptions with it being Tucker’s rather than MC’s… :sweat_smile:

we spawn with it, so morden didn’t give it to us
i guess we could have technically stole it off tucker but like occam’s razor man this is vetex lore

The most progress we have made is realizing that the Eagle on there may be us of all people (Lightning magic n Eagle thingy).

Now that I think about it… Tech had no problems confirming to us if we were wrong on our guesses (Like, it was once asked if the Eagle was Durza, he said it was wrong) but when asked if it was the AO MC, he suddenly went avoidant and said “Why would I tell you?”, which was probably a sign that it was indeed the AO MC.

Also, the one person who was the closest to the answer also theorized the Eagle was MC. (Its sad tho, that person, at least their account, is no longer active around here…)

you telling me this hasn’t been solved yet?

Well, Tech said we got close with this one…

But yeah, he hasnt confirmed if this has been completely solved tbh. I kinda didnt have the courage to ask if any of the more recent theories were correct.

Quoting this here cause this was in Reminders (shouldve probably asked here mate)

Actually, the left side was already solved. Its Peacekeeper, confirmed by Tech. Only the Eagle was left unsolved.

Yeah, most people have thought that the Eagle looked evil-looking, they quickly assumed that it was Peace and War, but no one got close with those guesses.

However, someone got close with the Eagle once, someone named ‘Pokemonisntfun’ through their theory doc (the first one), tho theyre no longer active here. They theorised the Eagle is the AO MC in that doc, becoming a “goody-two shoes conqueror” in the War Seas or something like that.

Tech once denied it being Durza in any way. And its revealed by Macobre (whose username is called ‘Liu’ now) that the right side is supposed to have a SUNRISE (Dawn), while the Dove has a SUNSET. Its not shown properly because Tech told them to add blue lightning specifically, so they added a storm in its place.

Tech also teased that the Eagle was related to Olympus and Zeus. An Eagle represents royalty, leadership, victory too (not meant to represent freedom like I used to theorise)

Btw, when the sun sets in the Seven Seas, the sun would be rising at the same time in the War Seas… that should be telling :wink:

Tech said this was the most straightforward one. Just putting all the ideas and theories that Tech seemingly agreed with, then it becomes more clear its representing the juxtaposition of the AA and AO MCs’ destinies.


Does that means that AA’s protagonist was seen like an actual “Peacekeeper”, hero who took down current biggest threat in the world, while AO’s protagonist is seen by commonfolk like some villain who destabilize situation between kingdoms, waging wars?

I assume it like this because in AA our goals were clear for other people. But in AO it feels like people didn’t understand us right and didn’t see our goals. In the end, they put us on the dark side. You can see this by reading dialogues with people from Ravenna after storyline.

Maybe? But Tech kinda revealed that the quotes are more about each person’s goal, revealing that the quote for the dove was specifically PK’s goal in creating peace.

My guess is, AO MC’s end goal is to become someone that protects peace by striking down those who threaten it or those who are wrongfully creating peace through unjustful means (like how the Order is doing rn) behind the shadows.

Amngst the comments Tech liked in this thread is one that pointed out that an Eagle STEALS from other birds. And I realized that its a stark contrast to a Dove as one of the reasons theyre even known as “birds of peace” is because they leave other birds alone, only feeding off seeds and stuff (well, unless you endanger their nest)

I forgot to mention in the comment above is that a part of Pokemonisntfun’s theory also said that rather than the two sides being complete opposites, they actually complement each other. They dont clash, they coexist.

Lightning can also symbolise “retribution of the divine” so uh yeah.

So if the Dove strives for Peace, then the Eagle strives for Justice. I kinda said that above but yeah.

This is the part thats the most vague about the riddle tbh. We now definitely know that this is AO MC, but I think the reason this wasnt completely solved is because of that specific quote and what it actually means for AO MC’s future. I dont think anyone has gotten it, or asked if they got it.


Depth of these riddles is impressive.

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