An official showcase of my Plot Armour Shield!

A mighty tool for a not-so-mighty warrior. A surface that can withstand tremendous amounts of force, no matter how intense or powerful…

…and a tool that is basically made from different types of paper.

Finally! I’m making this an official post. Some folks have already seen this from my doodle thread, but I just wanna share this with everyone, lol

The front is painted with a sun symbol, gleaming with a shine of hope, silently reassuring it’s wielder, that destiny is on their side.

Unlike most shields, which have a wooden base shape, this one has that made of steel. The wood in this case serves as the middle part as well as an outline, giving it durability and depth.

Once you look at the back, the first thing you see are the shiny bars laid out in a criss-cross pattern to straighten out the shield and make it more sturdy.

This little symbol that can go easily unnoticed in the big picture. A symbol representing strength, beauty and protection. The triangular shapes represent Dievs, the main god of the Latvian mythology.

Just before attaching the handle, I wrote my name on the bottom side. To be fair, this isn’t my real name. It’s just an alias that I’ve grown to love over the years.

silly miscellaneous pics I took

Okay now, seriousness over. I messed around with it a wee bit and took some pictures.

The money, John. Pay up.

(For context, a few people said that my shield could be used as a table :laughing:)

Preparing to take on a battle with Stellari with my stick :smiley:

Finally having that battle with Stellari (she came with a giant rubber duck mech suit instead of a sword)

You walking profanity.


I guess this turned out to be a face reveal aswell haha



That’s super sick, have a tissue omg please!!! :laughing::laughing::face_with_peeking_eye::sneezing_face::sneezing_face:

shield with some toes

Plot armor shield VS dihydrogen monoxide

Ah yes, a mighty fine shield. Can it be used to beat up someone?

The first image just makes the shield look like it stole your shoes and is about to run away :skull:


How strong is the plot armor… Is it enough to defeat goku?


First it was you who took my legs and now it’s my own tool

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Plot armour is the most overpowered armour in fiction. No matter the odds or the logic, plot armour will have you end up a winner nonetheless. It’s the writer’s choice how far they’re gonna crank it up

friendly banter aside, the amount of dedication and effort you put into this is admirable ^^
seeing you work on it during VCs was honestly rlly fun


ngl you kinda look like me but without an overbite and happier /srs

shield has drip

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The ALMIGHTY PLOT ARMOUR SHIELD IS HERE!! Imagine if this shield was given to the MC in ao :laughing: THEY’RE GONNA BE INVINCIBLE

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that shield has some shoes :fire: :fire:

Glad the VC stuff was entertaining :orange_heart:

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Kudos for u on finishing this shield-masterpiece! But… Theres something similar about it… I cant put my finger on it

WHAAAAT ur on vc together??? Im jealous :melting_face:

yuhyuh, on art hub sometimes