An option with vitality builds being able to choose which color

An option with vitality builds being able to choose which color
effort 0.0 0 quality 0.0 0 reasonability 5.0 2

The suggestion is a very simple one at it’s core: Please let us change which of the colors in the good/evil palettes, through either UI customization or through a gameplay feature.

The gameplay feature could be something similar to (or even actually) the Hecate Essence, but since there is a precedence of it easily changing based on the other stat increased with vitality, it would make sense to either be a UI feature or a NPC toggle (like NPC for dashes) if added.

This could also open up new colors like white and black or orange and green, giving vitality-based players another layer of visual customization, while keeping all of us to one side of the color fence based on the storyline choice.


I feel like you should bold this word so people won’t skim over it

No, you’ll replay the whole story and you will like it. :rage:

He means the colours used for them

Your greed it hurting the lore

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time crystal that lets you go back in time and redo your choice :interrobang:

Good call. I meant a completely different word for that.

Lol woof… no. I am not suggesting the overall choice changes for an account, What I am suggesting is the account having more options of colors for that choice, with a gameplay feature or UI feature to change between them. Someone who killed him still won’t be able to be yellow aura color, and someone who saved him still won’t be red.

This feels like bait, but I will respond since this actual mentality is… well… Findable in the AO community.

In no part is this hurting the lore, if it can even be called lore. It is not stepping on toes of existing gameplay mechanics, and has a precedent in the form of stat builds already having different colors of the same choice palette.

So no, its not a “your greed is hurting (aspect of the game)”

forumer try to understand sarcasm

vetex isnt gonna do that, he denied dyable glowing eyes cause of a future spell

Gold spirit energy + purple plasma doesn’t go well
And no im not gonna lose my sanity to hecate

I hope we’ll be able to swap between normal and divine spirit colors, cause that one picture of the bugged knight with golden spirit energy looked really cool.

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