An update to caves, Tombs

An update to caves, Tombs
effort 4.666666666666667 3 quality 4.666666666666667 3 reasonability 4.333333333333333 3

Well, I meant preset empty space in a mountain, island or whatever with premade patterns of how these tombs could look like, making them similiar to land diving spots of some sort.

Nah I was mostly joking since crawling would be cool the first time and then boring after a while

Wouldā€™ve been if it was brighter, but currently imo itā€™s just feeling around to try to get to the end. Plus the lighting is super glitchy with the game processing you as in Mount Othrys or Titan Caverns

Vetex could probably do it, but I donā€™t think heā€™d see it as having much point. Also they donā€™t have to be made with AI, they can just be made with procedural generation using like Perlin noise

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Oh yeah we could definitely use that

Ye ig the random generating caves could be good long term

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