Ancient Magic suggestion

Singularity Magic
Magic type: Ancient Magic
Magic size: 5x
5.5x (imbued)
Magic speed: 1.5x
Magic damage: 7.5x
+0.1x (for every 10m of land absorbed)
Magic destruction: 7.5x

Allows the user to create controlled black holes, absorbing matter and causing mass destruction.

Singularity Magic is an Ancient Magic which absorbs matter by destroying it. The more matter absorbed, the stronger the spell becomes.

Singularity Magic is extremely powerful, with a high AoE and the ability to clear almost all status effects (excluding drained).

Singularity Magic has no synergies (it doesn’t really need them).

Idk if this is a good idea but just a pitch

You know the drill


You ain’t cooking with those stats

Too powerful to be an Ancient Magic?

That’s uhh stronger than cataclysm.

bro thinks vetex is creating an arcane hollow purple :sob:

The shadow magic buff the balance team wants

Is it? My bad

Idk what that is.

it’s supposed to be infinitely small

bro what

Let me put this into perspective, earth has a size affinity of 1.3x which can already produce massive attacks. Now imagine what a 5x size affinity would do to the games balance

okay I’m sorry but you do NOT know how the game’s stats work

A tip for posting these sort of ideas:

Never, and i mean NEVER, try to put the stats for it. No matter what idea you will pitch, it will either be “so just worse [insert magic/weapon]” or “this is broken, dont let this guy cook ever again”

Leave the stats for the balancing team and just focus on making your idea sound interesting.

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look im always down to see how they will balance their magic’s stats

but really an ancient magic with more stats than cataclysm, and having no real drawback/opposite stat to balance it out? cmon

but im not gonna lie the terrain absorbtion sounds interesting

Now here is some idea for your singularity magic:

  • Projectile type spells start at 0 size (no hitbox) and grows the further it travels, up until it hits something or hits a certain size, in which the projectile will colapse (disappear)

  • Explosions, both placed and self, pull enemies towards the center of them. Pillar explosions bring targets towards the ground instead

  • Beam spells delete terrain instead of breaking it (more visual than anything, but instead of the terrain breaking on impact, it would be desintegrated when appliable)

I fear the terrain absorption would be a lag machine, especially on pulsar… But it would look really cool

Its really hard to get balancing right, specially when you’re new to the game/suggestions. I hate to say this, but people tend to lack reading comprehension these days. In a post like this, they tend to focus on the stat poll when the objective of the post is to show a concept, that’s where my tip to OP comes from

It doesn’t even have a spatial size but a temporal size

also your magic has 430 EP wich is like 6x more than a normal magic

1, this is suggestion outside of suggestions
2, no adding magics to the game
3, why did you make this so overpowered
4, this is going to powercreep the game and shift the game to favor mages so bad

5, why? why would this be a good idea?
6, lore, give a logical in game explanation for the existence of this
7, you aint achieving anything with this
8, heck, by making this you just lowered your chances of getting this suggestion

it need synergies

10, no