Anger issues

Lets go, someone else who likes to run their anger away :D!

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I saw you and someone else do it so I decided to hop on and luckily so did everyone else

because when a person doesn’t wish to talk about their problems in real life, they go to a place they feel like they can trust.

you’re not special nor am I, so stop acting like you own the world you human garbage dump. there’s a reason no one likes you asshat, fuck off. I pity any poor soul who falls in love with you.

this isn’t even in the “Roblox game” part of the “Roblox game forum”.

dont want to see this? Head back to Game Discussion you twat

lightning users always with the worst takes :poop: :poop: :poop: :poop: :poop: :poop:

this is Off Topic bruh


vetex is lightning

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no, i’m right because i said so

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you play wood conj you cannot be talking

because he wants to

Is it really bad to actually express and idk try and change negative things about yourself?

When did i ever complain about my life lil bro all i said was “I have anger issues and if there are ways to get rid of it” read before posting :blush:

who is this guy :confused:

the theory stands

how has not a single person here mentioned therapy yet.
find somebody you can connect with and it works wonders.

it takes patience and a bit of luck but if it really is that bad there’s almost certainly somebody you can talk to.

on another note how are we supposed to not dogpile on such a blatantly shit person that’s just here to be a miserable asshole.

They cant just come out of the blue like that they are probably someone that does not like me’s alt

Get some maidens

-from a person who has no maidens (very trustworthy)

There are some reasons why I don’t think therapy is a good solution. Not every therapist is the right one for you, and to get in touch with a therapist you need to have a letter sent from your local clinic (at least that’s from my experiences)

there is usually an awfully long waiting list for those places as well, it could take 6 months until you actually get to speak to a therapist.

And while yes, therapists follow studies and are trained to help people the best they can a therapist can only do as much as a human can do.

In this situation, he’s much better off opening up to a close relative that knows him and has no waiting list. I still feel more comfortable talking about stuff I struggle with to a friend than to a therapist

why I know this

I’m not mentally unstable or anything, I just got a diagnosis. I talked to several therapists but in my case they didn’t really help me. I don’t really think I needed any “treatment” for the diagnosis I got, at least not during the time that I actually talked to them.

I struggled for a period and I showed pretty concerning symptoms but I managed to solve it myself and it was during the time that I was on their waiting list

And that’s kind of my experience

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While I understand you want to share your troubles with a place you trust, a video game forum is not the place for this. Something like this is better to talk to a trusted adult or a therapist about.