Anime Dub or Anime Sub

Which do you prefer?
  • Anime Sub
  • Anime Dub
  • Doesn’t Matter/What sounds better
  • I don’t watch anime

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Just a random poll here

Whichever sounds better, pretty much

Just happens to be sub more often than not

usually sub but for one piece i like to watch it in dub while i work or while i’m in game so i can focus on both

im not a weeb so when i first watch anime i watch it so i cab understand it

it is a sin to watch dragon ball if its not the dub

… any other anime is probably better sub in my opinion

bitch i learned japanese and watched it without subs or with a dub

Weebs when they visit Japan and there are no subtitles on top of everyone’s head

Sub feels more natural, so I just go with that by default everytime and don’t bother trying the dub.

dubs can go real bad
like really really bad

anyone who’s watched any JoJo’s part after 3 dubbed can totally agree

Subs usually have better writing and sync with the animation better.

Dubs are sometimes on the level or better than subs, however some jokes are replaced, and overall the writing is worse.

i can agree

having watched jojo part 4 and part 5 dubs were garbage

sHiNiNg DiAmOnD

the virgin shining diamond vs the chad K R E I J I D I A M O N D O

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damn it pressed dub accidently

After finding out what Funimation did to their dubs I haven’t really watched dubs since.

I have since changed my mind after watching the Yu Yu Hakusho dub
although it has some issues compared to the original i have to say that it’s a lot better