
hey everyone, i’m deciding to take a break from the forums for a bit, because i’ve recieved some death threats and my physical and mental health haven’t been great the past few years of my life.

P.S i’m really sorry realistic banana about the thing, i just have really bad emotion control and i feel bad (im not forgiving u for the death threats tho)


bro death threats???


Death threats wtf? :skull:
That’s gotta be somebodies alt account or something no way somebody else would post stuff like that

I think this was deeply exaggerated to great effect after reading through all this stuff :I
Rule 20 of the internet. Nothing is to be taken seriously

banana did say they hope they die tbf

i hope you recover soon. i was defending you.

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Literally us just screwing around >:I
This didn’t have to escalate into a ban if we were all mature people who understand that sarcasm and jokes exist


i hate my life

banana was right maybe i should just die

banana was a jerk. i fucking hate him

ok but also

You need to take sometime of the internet if a simple sentence has you affected this much.

Consider closing your laptop or pc off and getting some sleep before coming to terms that the forums world has no hold on reality. You might be young right now so you don’t understand what that means. If you choose to kill yourself, it doesn’t help or make anyone happy. I know. I’ve tried. Instead you’re taking an easy way out, abandoning what you have for a little dream of non-existence just because “they’ll be better without me.”

People are there for you in reality. The vast internet is not. Take some time off and stop looking at the forums. This is for your sake.


I wonder what the deleted post was :eyes:

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banana might get his wish true

chill mate its just a random dumbass on the internet

seek help

gonna be serious mate if that guy really got on your nerves that badly you need to just not be here for awhile

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quoting this is absolutly cringe

banana was just annoyed by you, you honestly shouldnt be taking it any further. its just how the internet works, people exaggerate.

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20. Nothing is to be taken seriously.
