The year technically comes to a close (in about 2 months time). And what better way to celebrate the end of the year than with a parade? So I present to you the MHSACU Annual Parade 2024. Sit back and relax, and watch some goofy boys attempt to march.
(I do not care that my school is on there, you all probably live in America anyways)
(You probably noticed that literally none of us are white. Including me lol.)
I actually really disliked everything about parade myself. Not because of the drill, but because of how horrendously the drill was executed (it might not seem that bad to you because of how it was filmed).
There was also a horrendous downpour during the middle of the parade that was so loud that the camera couldn’t really pick up the marching band (maybe that’s why that’s why our drill was so trash). Still, we held our heads high and grinned and bore it.
And the band could have played better. Just saying (but it’s probably also an audio problem).
The Principal couldn’t even attend because he was in ITALY. (so one of the assistant principals took the spot)
And most frustratingly, people were walking up and down the stairs blocking the camera, and the audio sucks.
Most of this parade was just yapping, so here’s some timestamps I believe are not important and you can skip (if you want to watch through all if I guess you can):
The Beginning to 14:23 - The ceremonial band desperately attempting to play music whilst the cadets form up.
28:05 to 32:51 - Reviewing the troops or something. Literally nothing happens here.
46:40 to 1:04:11 - PURE YAPPING by the Assistant Principal and some Officer. As well as awards presentations. (if you don’t watch this part you can save yourself almost 20 minutes). Fun fact I got to polish the trophies handed out in the morning.
And then we farewelled the graduates as they slow marched for the last time to the tune of Auld Lang Syne. Quite melancholic (they cheered in the end and threw their hats into the air).
I think this is a very fitting conclusion for the year (despite being 2 months away) as well as a fitting end for the graduates. And I love the fact that we tried to take it really seriously and tried really hard to march properly and fashionably (we absolutely did not) like we were actually in the military (we absolutely are not).
But in the end, we’re all just a bunch of stupid, dumb, teenage high school boys goofily attempting to march in the rain.