Another not-WoM/AO style Magic Circle Post

Oy it’s me.

These circles were made using the templates by @Tobi .

Yall can decide what they’re for, I already know but it’s always nice to hear what people think.


wait a moment is that roselight and suncry?


its some random custom magics
he made them for a rp that im also in im pretty sure

Now that I think about it… ironic.

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accidentaly makes thing related to guild

I swear this was an accident… help the guild shippers are coming

wait those exist

seems like its time for purification

Image by Tong.

i have sabaton music
i think ill be able to help

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what the fuck
@tong explain

First one looks like flower magic.

Second one looks like an offshoot of ice.

Cool art tho

No need,

@iammback_95, got anymore of those extinction bombs?

I got some more, I might have to go raid another facility soon though, oh and if you see Rose, I’ve made sure the bombs will work on her

Anyways, Ready for the big boom?


Wait, isn’t rose a guy-?

Nope, she’s dating a male, or a trap? The love triangle of Sov and 2Fro is confusing

The What?

I may have also turned into a furry for a week

Please don’t ask

Im fcking choke myself on this

choke cocks

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Reminds me of that one time a dude posted a nsfw fan-fic of two guild leaders lol