I am yumi crown the Noble ice and I will destroyy your fortress
Get a disk storage deckhand
thank you for introducing yourself yumi crown the noble ice for like the 3rd time
i hate it here and i wish to leave
Bro’s odyssey was literally 4 comments long
Clan building update will be more of a foundation kind of update like the dark sea is remember the dark sea still has lots of potential and room to grow the only parts people consistently travel to is range 1 And 2. I think its fair for Vetex to rotate what he is focusing on updating like how he’s been adding update for pve (darksea, underwater update etc) so nimbus part 1 will come, then clan building, maybe we’ll see something else for darksea asw before pt2 nimbus, although I’m excited for wt ever Vetex decides to do there are a bunch of enjoyable and highly anticipating aspects of the game
I think clan structures will be smaller for the first clan update, if not we’ll most likely be using structure for larger claimable islands in nimbus
Vetex said there will be terra forming like removing trees and rocks
Being able to lay scaffolding on water would be pretty epic
I feel like cycling between story and some other update would be fine. However, I don’t want for there to be a 2 update gap between Nimbus Pt. 1 and Pt. 2. The story kinda needs to progress at a relatively steady pace, and I would like to at least see lost magics before Roblox hits Vetex with Filtering Enabled 2.0
I get you… bro I stg that filtering enabled ish… I quit playing Roblox after aa broke and only got back on once I heard AO was released. Wt does this filtering even do?
I found this about it, although the explanation about making it impossible to exploit is kinda funny
I seee well I don’t see how this can break ao?
That’s because Filter Enabled was forced on everyone iirc so AO is basically made with it on anyways. When I say Filter Enabled 2.0 I mean something that gets added to Roblox that basically renders AO broken just like AA.
So this anti cheat can break ao has Vetex said anything about this. Sorry for asking so many questions
I already said that filtering enabled was enabled, and that Filter Enabled 2.0 isn’t Filtering Enabled 2.0 but me referring to some hypothetical equivalent disaster from Roblox potentially befalling AO
This feels like I’m talking to an AI now
Ok mb thx
Is it because of me I’m sorry
Same bro I got 400gb of unposted medal clips