Any Cannon Fist Warlords Exist?


Met one, but he sucked at pvp. Hopefully it gets a cooler imbue effect in the future.

No, my secondary file is a basic combat warlord.

Not that i know but ik a cannon fist warlock exist and its fucking broken af, a cardinal had a crystal cannon warlock and 1v1ed and i got destroyed

its just that warlock in general is broken, and crystal is a meta pairing

hi i’m a canon fist warlord (i don’t even play ao much at the moment though)

Screenshot (2283)

I wanted the black aura imbue but it is pretty underwhelming aesthetic wise, either make the aura more prominent and black or make the whole weapon black like Iron Leg imbue

(I don’t care about effectiveness I just want cool effects)

My own generator gave me this build, so im forced to play it, untill i obtain all following items and get full calvus drop. (Or smth i dunno, just a challange.)

Now in the future vamp fighting style warlord

i had an idea of how one could work, but i havent tried it

One answer, it doesn’t work. The imbue quite literally does nothing until next update iirc

This is my future build, just have this build + a Blasphemous style outfit

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Can’t wait to get the vamp enchant in Deepwoken but in AO


Cannon fist warlord doesn’t exist. It’s a figmentation of your imagination.

An even rarer build than cannon fist warlock…

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