Any of y’all played Adventure story?

Did you like the game? What were your thoughts on it? And should it get an update in the future?

paper mario mmm…

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tried, its okay, not really my thing tho ( or maybe i just didnt really understand it, i think i stopped at the flower monster thing… which is like the very beginning ig )

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Yes. And it was decent from what I remembered.

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very nice

roblox has a huge drought in turn based combat games that are like paper mario

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Yeah game was pretty good
Hopefully gets updates in the future

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it was aight

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It was alright and definitely had a lot of potential if Vetex decided to continue development.

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Game was super good and I absolutely loved it

Such a charming world with so much potential, sad to see it all get lost and wasted

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i actually loved adventure story it was so cute and fun, and i think it had a lot of potential.

unfortunately i dont see adventure story getting updated in the near future

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