Currently I have like first timers magic spells:
What can I edit because I m struggling and surprised how mages just have the same magic spells
Currently I have like first timers magic spells:
What can I edit because I m struggling and surprised how mages just have the same magic spells
get javelin ig at some point, it’s pretty handy, I’ll be honest I use my weapons way more than my magic when I play sand conj, not that it’s a good idea to do so
Get sand javelin and do put like the max amount of explosions/hits to blind longer, also sand shockwave on your placed explosion is fun depending on your attack size. I also run double beam but single beam is fine too. Make sure your snare also has the max amount of hits possible so you blind for more (I’m a sand paladin)
I did also
Cannon is the only one ur missing cuz u can’t use aura or javelin if ur running 160 weapons 120 magic
Well thats exactly what Im running for so just double beam, and snare with max hits?
I don’t believe you can change amount of hits on snare with 120 mag