Any suggestions for the game/ thoughts on suggestions, discuss here immediately

Out of ice maybe?

no, out of clouds

would there be a variety of pads and tampons

let us respawn our ships, not that hard

Add an m2 to bows that allow you to charge up a shot which will deal more damage and move 1.5x faster and further, at the cost of some energy .

soo charged attacks

Yes, you can acquire them by going to female npcs and stealing it from them or buying them from some npc.

Thanks! I really needed some :pensive:

improve bounty hunting in big islands

for example, instead of a poster saying “last seen in ravenna”, it’d say, “last near rubica/passing rubica”

Ability to switch hands on weapons, so warriors can’t be disabled by removing one of their hands.
Also, dual sword skills become single handed (e.g. half the mirrored river slash, one slash projectile, similar to katana) if the player is missing an arm.

Add a rare spell that allows us to save (weaker) projectile(s) to use alongside another attack (e.g. my orbiters suggestion or calvus’ one annoying attack) for synergies or bonus attacks. For example, using the spell to store a weak ice blast above the user’s head to release alongside a water blast afterwards for a freeze synergy (could even add a risk, such as if an opponent hits it directly before it is used, it explodes, minorly damaging the user).

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just wait until this man sees what happens for the dark sea

Sukuna fire arrow spell

Ridiculously impractical weapons (like a rapier rifle flail scythe or some shit)

Laser guns too I want laser guns…

good one, would make bounties more quest like and easier and just makes sense to

i like the switching hand idea could go with the left hand cast styles, the skills being affected seems to much work for the roadmap, i could see whatever hand the player is ( so right + add left option pls) and they lose the weapon it just goes to their left hand now, this would not work for weapons that require two hands though, such as bows, two handed weapons and so on.

it’d be nice if there were one slash projectiles for all the dual projectile moves for dual weapons, it’s a difficult QoL that maybe should be added in long term ( consider the unadded skills for dual weapons, we have workarounds with equipping armour on vanity to avoid losing limbs too ).

for the rare spell it sounds like a good idea i’m not sure whether it’d work that way, it sounds like a kind of parry, it may be a good spell unique to the more solid magics that get barrier reflexes, it gave me the idea of have seawater bottles be throwable to apply soaked and the dark sea seawater bottles to apply insanity 1 and soaked for a longer duration, would add more features to the game yknow?

Invisibility potions should show an error message when you try to drink them in combat, rather than just being deleted from your inventory


It is a spell already present in the game through Calvus, although it is on a timer rather activated when intended in his case. It’s more like a feint than a parry. You cast a spell like a blast, but it instead creates projectiles around you and doesn’t initially fire any of them at the opponent. They are then launched with another attack (could be always with the next attack or by pressing its keybind again).