Random add-on ideas for ships

Random add-on ideas for ships https://forum.arcaneodyssey.dev/uploads/default/optimized/3X/6/1/61349e640d69bf19aa7e0e113f7ce571e3be5c60_2_1024x657.jpeg
effort 5.0 7 quality 5.0 7 reasonability 4.5 6

if you are reading this uhh thanks for taking the time to read this, can you give me some feedback on details and grammar it would be most appreciated. alright, time to start:

note this is ALOT of text and pictures

| random/Shotgun add-on ideas for ships |

utility (helps indirectly in combat)

sickbay/Triage -
An upgraded and upsized triage for the wounded and sick better equipment and more space to recover, even on the open sea.


  • castaways will stay in them reducing the chance of being hurt.
  • castaways give more renown when saved.
  • deck hands and quartermasters will respawn/comeback if killed when out of combat scaling with the level of the deck hands and quartermasters.


  • a fine can be paid to respawn deckhands and quartermasters faster

upgrading/higher tiers: give even more renown and reduces the cost of speeding up recovery


Fireworks/flares launcher

Fireworks/Flares launcher -
A recently invented flare, along with the specialist uses both powders and magic to assist in nighttime sailing or changing the weather to disfavor the enemy

*interacting with the flare launcher on the deck or pressing “R” while steering the ship will fire the equipped magic-powered flares/shells

upgrading/higher tiers: will open higher tiers/kinds of armaments



“flares”: free, explodes in the air lighting the area around it for a quick moment
“tinted flares”: like "flares however can be tinted a color giving off colored light
“lingering flares”: flares that hang in the air before going out
“lingering tinted flares”: “lingering flares” however able to be colored like “tinted flares”
“light-magic flares”: uncommon, use a small bit of magic to light up a greater area and for longer
“dark-magic flares”: rare, needs Tier 3 uses moderate amounts of magic to block out light

magic: (all are rare unless stated otherwise)

“Acid-Magic flares”: creates acid-rain, ships to take more damage from all attacks
“Ash-Magic flares”: creates an ash plume, choking all humans reducing stamina regen
“Explosion-Magic flares”: creates an explosion shockwave, deafening humans for a time
“Fire-Magic flares”: causes the sea to Steam, the area overheats humans
“Ice-Magic flares”: creates hail, creating ice platforms all over the sea
“Lightning-Magic flares”: creates lightning, when used along with a storm it is more powerful
“Magma-Magic flares”: creates “meteors”, creating rock platforms all over the sea
“Poison-Magic flares”: creates poison fog, choking all humans and reducing health regen
“Sand-Magic flares”: creates a sandstorm reducing magic regen
“Snow-Magic flares”: creates a snowstorm, causing the area to chill humans
“Water-Magic flares”: creates light rain, drenching humans in the rain
“Wind-Magic flares”: causes winds to change direction in a limited area


video example

also, the guy’s job is called a pyrotechnic

Crow’s Nest

Crow’s Nest -
A barrel-man and the necessaries needed to effectively spot and even name far away trinkets and ships


  • point out nearby areas of interest


  • swivel gun/hand cannon/musket that marks ships and does a very small amount of damage
  • weaponry is based on the ship not the tier of add-on
  • adds a side UI of the stats of marked ships like kind of cannons, magic, and HP

upgrading/higher tiers: the spotter gives more info on what they can spot

examples (upgrades)

tier 1 spotter: everything besides common items will be called “ODD/unknown”
tier 2 spotters: the spotter will name common items and call out uncommon items “uncommon” but calls rares and higher as “ODD/unknown”

voice lines
  • ships
    (enemy faction) (ship type) spotted ready the cannons captain?
    Captain! (faction) has been spotted it’s a (ship type)
    (ship type) has been spotted from (any faction) captain!
    (ship type) of (any faction) spotted orders captain?

  • rare ships
    Captain? I spotted something BIG it’s a treasure ship!
    Captain… Captain, you see that sir? it’s a treasure ship!
    I thought that ship was just a myth it’s a treasure ship!
    Treasure ship! it’s a treasure ship captain!

  • shipwrecks
    Something is sticking out of the water Captain!
    Captain, the waves there are breaking up seems like a wreck
    Their shipwreck right over there thought you would like to know Captain!
    Careful captain, there is a shipwreck sticking out of the water

  • sea-monsters
    IT’S A MONSTER OF THE SEA! THE/A (monster’s name)
    Captain? The waters are moving… something big is here… (monster’s name)
    A/THE (monster’s name)? I THOUGHT THEY WERE A MYTH!


Shark snacks Shack/shark bait

Shark snacks Shack/shark bait -
a large processor that can turn fish into shark bait it has also come equipped with tools used to make baits that attract creatures of the deep.


  • turns fish into gibs that attract (spawn) sharks
  • use sharks as anti-boarding as the sharks follow the spawning ship
  • use rotten fish to craft bait that attracts sea monsters
crafting notes

when (rotten) fish is being turned into bait the fish gets tiered down by 2: so rare fish becomes common and legendary becomes rare and so on

mixing other ingredients like cursed mushroom changes the tiers and kinds of monsters it attracts

common and uncommon can be made into bait but if the tier were to drop under common it would make useless items

the (rotten) fish used acts as a “base” meaning adding ingredients that cause the tier to lower it can’t be lowered more than its “base” (rare+ fish will always make bait and legendary will always at least make rare bait)


Service kit

Service kit -
A much-expanded hold for tools, materials, and skilled craftsmen to tow and repair even the heaviest damages in the open sea


  • breaking trees and other sources of timber (like lost cargo) gives “spare parts”
  • any sources of repairs, extra health over the maximum will be turned into “spare parts”
  • “Spare parts” can be used to repair ships for free (spare parts will be used before gallons)
  • The crew will fix the ship with “spare parts” as passive health regen then not in combat


  • use “spare parts” (amount based on the ship type) to fix/recover sinking ships and tow them to ransom/auction them for large sums of money

upgrading/higher tiers: store larger amounts of “spare parts” to repair or recover larger ships


(yes the carpenter replaced his hand with a hammer)

Holy and survey equipment

Holy and survey equipment-
an Antiquarian with a collection of texts, curios, and odd remedies to weaken or even remove curses and insanity, along with the expertise to properly store relics and artifacts


  • creates an area of effect that purges all insanity (besides level 5 everything still going to die)
  • gives “armor” to insanity-causing events and attacks
  • “armor” can be refilled by returning to the ship but loses some effectiveness



found in dive sites “relics” can be traded in for rare items like cursed scrolls

however, unlike sealed chests or cargo, relics can be broken and slowly break over time when removed from their diving sites

  • relics can be packaged by the antiquarian while packed they don’t take damage over time and will act as armor stopping direct damage to the relics


Power/Combat (helps directly in combat)
Medical Equipment/Medicine Chest

Medical Equipment/Medicine Chest -
Additional medical supplies and more exotic medicines increase the availability and ability of the crew to recover mid-combat


  • slow regen on crewmembers. (not % based)


  • can stop bleeding from limb loss
  • treat major injuries weakening them
  • the doctor to apply potions you give him to make them last longer


Crew Quarters

Crew Quarters -
a complete overhaul of the crew facilities including a canteen allowing the ship to have an auxiliary crew to take over jobs.


  • allows crewmembers to respawn/replace “defeated” crewmembers

while crewmembers can respawn there is a limited amount that can respawn.
based on the ship crew size:

level 1 quarter would have 25% extra crew so a
A sailboat with 4 crew would get an extra 1 respawn
bigger ship let’s say a Gallon the 18 crew would have 5 respawns as 25% of 18 is 4.5


  • deposit food (rotten food can’t be used) to feed the crew for a stronger crew buff
  • The canteen will only count hunger-given, and buffs will only add a multiplier


Duelists magic

Duelists magic-
An experimental machine that makes use of the magic in the water turning it into a hard walkable surface


  • machine will create a platform around the ship that activated it


  • machine can only be turned when still and can’t be used while steering the ship
  • the platforms will break if other ships come into contact with it


Arcanium gunpowder packers

Arcanium gunpowder packers-
tools to pack gunpowder along with magical propellants without the need for a specialist allowing the use of magic in even non-magical-based weaponry.


  • shoot imbued shots WITHOUT the need for Arcanium Cannons however magic storage regen is reduced (this STILL uses magic storage)
  • Arcanium Cannons will be able to use combined effects with imbued shots (like ice and water)


  • change the imbued element on cannons while in combat be it you have to reload
  • “overpacked” propellants that have more range and speed, and causes “compromised integrity” but, have less direct damage (50%~) and a longer reload (40%~)
Flooding/compromised integrity

each hit causes “compromised integrity” a stackable effect on the 3(+1 per 2500 HP) stack where then it will give the flooding effect
can be removed by temporary disarming for 2 secs however doing so will cause a speed debuff and a halt to reloading, removing the stacks can be canceled with a 0.5-sec delay by rearming the ship

causes % damage of 0.5% per sec (has a cap of 500) for 20 secs along with innate speed debuff
however, can be removed by unarming weapons stopping any more damage from the debuff and healing a portion of the flooding damage*
doing so, however, will not be able to canceled and has an even heavier debuff for 4 seconds

*(if you take 500 damage and you stop the flooding heal 225 or so)

when flooding ends by unarming or by waiting it out the ship is unable to get any stacks for 2 secs


Impersonating kit

Impersonating kit -
fast acting paints and proper storage of flags allow the ship to Impersonate other factions however while effective at a distance it’s easy to be found out when nearby.


  • change the ship’s faction/flag fooling NPCS and even bosses
  • disguises are broken by shooting and getting too close for too long
  • overuse/repeated Impersonating will cause NPCs to get break your disguises from longer away


  • doesn’t work on players
  • overuse will show you on the news (always gives bounty/lowers fame)


QOL (makes parts of the game easier)
Soul Binding Remedy

Soul Binding Remedy -
an odd remedy made from a variety of exotic extracts made to bind the soul into objects seeming able to attract the soul-bond body back to the object by use of their blessings
however, using a blessing in such a matter has some foreseen side effects when encountering others with a blessing


  • Players will be able to respawn on their ship
  • Players bounded MUST have their ship sunk first to claim their wanted poster (good or evil)
  • Players in parties can bind to the same ship to respawn same on the ship


  • Players will get a PVP shield
  • bounded players will have both their ships and character have an effect on them as indicators that they will respawn on their (party) ship as well as an icon next to their name

every respawn will cause the both max HP and “magic energy” to lower (till the ship is redocked by Shipwrights)
however, if the enemy that killed the player is defeated some(NOT ALL) max HP and “magic energy” is recovered

if a soul-bound player ship is sunk the player WILL get a lowered 30% max HP lowered 40% max “magic energy” and do 20% Less damage

respawning in the dark sea while possible will have the player lowered 25% max HP lowered 30% max “magic energy” and do 15% Less damage BUT will also be marked on the map AND alert every player in the server

players who have soul bonded to their ships would NOT be able to start PVP
But when attacked by other players the shield will activate and give a pop-up to the attacking player, to make sure they know that the other player can and will respawn if defeated.
If the player still wants to fight a small timer of 5-3 secs where both players can’t damage each other before PVP is turned on for both

parties: if anyone uses a “Soul Binding Remedy” all players in parties won’t be able to PVP however all players will get the PVP shield and if one player gets attacked it counts to all players
(if one player in the party gets attacked the rest can attack back)

if a party attacks a shielded player the pop-up will be a vote if the vote passes players are given a chance to leave


not really sure how to build this so it's kind of bad


workbench -
a small workshop on the ship used to make consumables like bottles and ammo


  • gives another ammo option when using bow and guns “Homemade” bullets/arrows it is limited however is freely able to be reloaded from the ship
    (death also refills it)
  • hastens repair of shields
  • also gives a reusable flask for sailor’s styles

(sorry mages can’t think of anything for you ): )


survey/navigation tools

Survey/navigation tools -
tools used for the survey of disturbed land and a collection of maps and charts as well


  • The map will show the weather and the wind direction


  • write/type/draw on the map (can make waypoints but doesn’t appear on the world)
  • free carryable box of “survey tools” that when used gives a direction of how far off from the dig site



Crane -
A heavy-duty Crane used to raise, lower, and store boats and the like for various purposes


  • larger ships are able to lower (spawn) boats
  • crane can be lowered into the water to carry up sealed chests from underwater


It's just a free model i didn't make this

yea I’m just getting lazy and for me trying to build a good crane takes wayyyy too long for my skill level

Pass Times

Pass Times -
Board Game games for ones on break and Dream Catcher said to give wonderful dreams


  • interacting with the board games will match you with the crew (bots) or another player if they joined in
  • interacting with the dream catcher will make your character in the open world fall asleep but you will be teleported to a place to rematch bosses (for no reward) or other players by going to the open dream to PVP also in a “dream”


Strong box

Strong box -
a heavy-duty box to keep safe items of value like money


  • store money to safe-keep it not unlike how the Navy has a bank (you don’t need to withdraw to use)
  • only other players can steal money from safes death by NPCS holds no risk of losing money

if the strong box is removed all money all simply transported to the player’s inventory

stealing strong boxes

when ships with strong boxes are sunk they drop a lock box with 10 - 20% of the total money inside and must be carried to a shipwright to open giving a chance to recover the money


ideas for upgrades: cursed-causes the stealer to get insanity when near or holding it

production (add-ons that make items)
industrial cookware

Industrial cookware -
cookware made to be installed onto ships and used to cook VERY large meals for many people the large size however makes the cooking take some time



meals made with more than 6 ingredients will become “mega-sized” and take time to “cook” after words the meal will need to be carried like crates and sealed chests

when placed down it would take the space of a (respawn) camp
however, in exchange mega meals will have unlimited uses*
*however the meal when placed and eaten can’t be moved
*can not be placed on ships


Salt/dry Rack

Salt/dry Rack -
a rack that collets sea water and turn it into pure salt however due to the fact he needs moving water it is most commonly found on ships


  • when sailing/moving the rack regenerates “sea salt” (auto-collected)

all salt types are collected at the same time
if you were near an inland that regenerates “Acidic salt” it would also generate “mineral salt” as the ship is also near an inland

each salt is on a depend on its own “timer”
to stop people from just AFK grinding for salt (see sky pumpkins) each “source” will slowly drain making the ship move more to collect the same amount of salt

types of sea salt and their uses


  • All salts can be used to extend the rot timer of fish
  • common salts act like an energy extender, allowing the energy to go into the negatives however going into the negatives causes both passive energy and health regen to stop

“sea salt”: can be found in open water
“mineral salt”: found near islands, however, it’s faster to “harvest”

*can be added to food or just eaten raw (drains hunger)

“Acidic salt”: Found near the inland Silent Ire, recharges energy regen when hurt
“Frozen saltwater”: Found near the Frostmill, when recharging energy lowers the player temperature
“eyeburn salt” found at Akursius Keep causes curses (more the more) to recharge energy but causes blindness when charging energy


stats (add-ons that just add or lowers stats)
Cleaning tools

Cleaning tools -
extra tools to assist in cleaning the deck making it much easier to perform other tasks

+faster Base sailing speed
+faster Reload speed

-slower weapon arming time
-slower weaker crew buffs


  • removed waypoint from navigation tools
  • added more details to Soul Binding Remedy
  • replaced all the “insanely” with insanity

so this… this was an undertaking (even with me using free models for mock-ups) but who really cares it’s really not worth explaining
thanks for reading at least

so why did I make this? well, I saw the add-on for ships was kind of lacking so I thought I would make some ideas I tried to keep out ideas that just were stat changes because stat buffs were for the most part already covered by hulls, sails, and crew/deckhands.

as for my balance sense, I can already see people telling me X, Y, and Z is OP my reasoning is in line with “Titanfall 2” and “DOOM Eternal” being “If everything is OP nothing is”
I wanted all of the items to do something be it so even the “useless” add-ons have their own use

anyways I will try and reply to anything you have to ask of me

HELL 2.0

by the way, if this somehow gets Vetex to reply with something other than:
"yea nope, thanks for being part of this community tho "
(let’s be real he isn’t even going to reply he has more important things to do)

or this gets a mad amount of votes like 250+

I may again redraft this (redo mock-ups without free models, clean up, and add feedback)

thanks for reading (:



Omg a valiant hearts enjoyer. This might be a logical step once bigger ships like frigates gets added to to the game.

I love this suggestion due to my amount me of liking alot of ships, crew, and stuff

Wow, that’s a lot of effort put into creating all those models for the suggestion! I imagine it’d be hard to fit all those add-ons with the measly 4 slots we have with the ketch though.

Extremly high effort suggestion. Lots of good QOL suggestions and additions to the game, like the flares and shark bait, and lots of ideas that can add more content and sea activities to the game. Some of the ideas are kind of questionable though. Some criticism:

  • The sickbay currently sounds kinda boring and uncessary. However I can see it being used for expanded castaway quests, so it could be good with some changes.
  • The holy equipment seems unecessary for now, but maybe it could work in the dark sea? I’d imagine that Vetex would do something other than a “be near this thing to not have insanity”. Relics are cool though.
  • Arcanium gunpower seems uncessary IMO. But the idea could be repurposed for something else.
  • Impersonating kit sounds like a bandaid on the problem of criminals not having many places to access NPC services. The ability to avoid aggroing NPC ships and bosses sounds uncessary, but it might be nice if you aren’t in the mood for random aggros.
  • Soul binding remedy is a very risky idea and I would be hesitant to allow it in the game. It will probably need some modifications before even being considered.
  • Being able to add waypoints on the map with the navigation tools sounds like it would trivialize exploration. It might be fine with some modifications though. I do like the surveying tools and the ability to draw and type on the map.
  • I’ll be honest, I don’t really understand Past Times. The features sound like they don’t belong as a ship attachment though.
  • Industrial cookware probably doesn’t belong on a ship, because it thematically doesn’t make sense and would trivialize the act of finding one. But I think it should exist in some other form. I think a reskinned cauldron that’s more suited to rough waves would be better.

Don’t get me wrong, I don’t hate this suggestion at all. Despite all my criticism, I think this is an extremely good suggestion, and the good parts far outweigh the bad parts.

cool yes

The person in the crow’s nest should also yell out if we’re near land, to better help sailing in fog. That and the sick bay for castaways are really good ideas, the others I don’t think have space unless we get some really big ships.

first thing first thank you for taking the time to read this:

I'm pretty sure no one wants to see the other wall of text yea?
* The sickbay currently sounds kinda boring and unnecessary. However, I can see it being
used for expanded castaway quests, so it could be good with some changes.

now you point it out yea it’s pretty weak if your an “evil” player even with the fact that it can infinitely respawn quarter masters but again I don’t have a good idea for it other than fuzing this with “Medical Equipment/Medicine Chest” again I did split them as it would make it do way too much

* The holy equipment seems unnecessary for now, but maybe it could work in the dark sea? I’d imagine that Vetex would do something other than “be near this thing to not have insanity”. Relics are cool though.

yea I kind of had this as if the dark sea was already in the game (kind of why there are so many add-ons that respawn/weaken long-lasting effects)
and for the “be near this thing” yea I really had no idea what to do with this part so I just had it so it would act as armor that if you got into an event that causes insanity that regenerates itself when your back on the ship (be it weaker so this add-on doesn’t just neuter insanity)

also, Relics was a thing I just added so holy equipment had a use somewhere besides in the dark sea

* Arcanium gunpower seems unnecessary IMO. But the idea could be repurposed for something else.

These were actually 2 different ideas that I just tossed together because each did too little on its own and was kind of weak with certain kinds of builds
(overpacked was for close-range builds) (Arcanium was for long ranged)

flooding/overpacked propellants: is actually made as a chasing tool that’s why there are so many speed debuffs and lower overall DPS but has faster speed and longer range

as for Arcanium gunpowder: I just had the idea but didn’t know how to make it fit with other builds besides Magic-based so I just added it on to overpacked
but overall yea you make a really good point that this is unnecessary
(I think it’s cool but doesn’t change it’s unnecessary)

* Impersonating kit sounds like a bandaid on the problem of criminals not having many places to access NPC services. The ability to avoid aggroing NPC ships and bosses sounds unnecessary, but it might be nice if you aren’t in the mood for random aggro.

this idea was from real pirate tactics but I had it ram into the ground as it has too many upsides for something really only evil players will get to use
(there really is no point for good players to use well there are shipping cargo but it would make it so “good” factions would attack you so it’s still pointless)
it may be useful if trade ships you know run away from evil players but now I think it may have been would better if I added there were new mini-bosses that run away from most ships but would engage only 1 or 2 factions

* Soul binding remedy is a very risky idea and I would be hesitant to allow it in the game. It will probably need some modifications before even being considered.

yea I kind of focused on the PVP problems, not the PVE ones and to be real I have no idea what modifications it would need. you bring up a good point tho

* Being able to add waypoints on the map with the navigation tools sounds like it would trivialize exploration. It might be fine with some modifications though. I do like the surveying tools and the ability to draw and type on the map.

yea I thought it would be balanced with the fact you would have to stop the ship to see them as it disinvites from using it and only to use it if your super lost but I guess it’s still doesn’t change the fact it a waypoint

* I’ll be honest, I don’t really understand Past Times. The features sound like they don’t belong as a ship attachment though.

yea it’s there mostly for friend groups/parties as a way to pass the time while waiting for someone that died to come back or maybe if multiple players on one ship have something to do besides going on youtube when going to the next inland

originally this was going to be in a “joke” section for the add-ons that don’t take a slot but I cut the section out (dream catcher was also a different idea that I fused into pass times) yea it may have been better to have a freebie section

* Industrial cookware probably doesn’t belong on a ship, because it thematically doesn’t make sense and would trivialize the act of finding one. But I think it should exist in some other form. I think a reskinned cauldron that’s more suited to rough waves would be better.

yea, you bring up a good point I mostly had Industrial cookware as something that takes time to cook, and seeing how the only real “house” that player has is well their ship is why it’s here. for its “mega-sized”, I wanted so it would be used for bosses think King Calvus IV I had a REALLY hard time forcing myself to use my buff food due to my “hoarder syndrome”

but now think it may be best if there was an “Industrial cookware” outside of every boss area that makes unlimited use food item, so people with “hoarder syndrome” can fight the boss with you know buffs DX (give me a sec I’m going to draft this as a new suggest now)

1 Like

as a person who likes ships i love this suggestion, really makes the ship feel like a home

Really good suggestion overall.

I feel it would be better to just have some type of indicator that both, displays a ship as a spawn ship and shows off a player is bound. The ship could just have the title changed and the player could have particles. Preventing pvp until unbound or hit would just be annoying. Personally, I and my friends would prefer to use this in wars.

This should also in no way work at all in the dark sea.

Also, ctrl + F and replace all the “insanely” with insanity. Make sure you add a Table of contents, should just be under the gears, auto populates based on headings “### Heading”

wall of TEXT.EXE
I feel it would be better to just have some type of indicator that both, displays a ship as a spawn ship and shows off a player is bound. The ship could just have the title changed and the player could have particles. Preventing pvp until unbound or hit would just be annoying. Personally, I and my friends would prefer to use this in wars.

yea maybe forgot to add that respawn ships AND bounded players have “indicators”
(I will add that)

also bound parties/players still can PVP just they can’t be the aggressors (like you said) so if you want a war just use camps or maybe:

(because being able to respawn when jumping people kind of makes it kind of unfair and makes the add-on a must-have which I feel is SUPER SUPER boring)

if a player is bounded they would be able to ask where players can ask to open PVP?

or bound players can only be the aggressors on other bound players?

(not sure what is better)

This should also in no way work at all in the dark sea.

yea I think the downside of respawning is kind of weak now I look at it, I’m going to some of the removed downsides back and just make it so respawning in the dark sea would “curse the player” with heavier debuffs, madness, and have it so they are marked on the map

Also, ctrl + F and replace all the “insanely” with insanity. Make sure you add a Table of contents, should just be under the gears, auto-populates based on headings “### Heading”

oh thanks
edit: uhh yea Table of Contents not working for me ._. well time to add that the list if i ever do a redraft

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