It’s either the text that confuses me, the compass, map or literally all of them.
I’m with you, I’ve found one from the like 50 charts I’ve gotten. I can’t figure out when it says halfway south south east when I go there and there is no landmark as stated in the riddle
For real these things are like practically impossible yet possible puzzles. It’s like a key is hidden in the most un-comprehensive writing but it’s in a very obvious place.
the chart tells you
- the island
- the direction
- the distance from the center relative to the border of the area of the island (for example, pillars around shell island count)
- the height relative to the sea level
- the ground type (ground, sand, snow)
a random possible part is chosen as the treasure then the text is autogenerated to tell you where to go. it also means you only need to dig once per big part to check if thats the right one
oh and you can just try to line up the map’s compass with the center of the island to help you figure out the direction
stuff like “south southeast” just means the direction in between south and southeast, being marked as SSE on this compass
Should i do this by turning on the territory radius as the core of the center?
God damn there’s more lore for the compass
yknow thats actually pretty smart
no idea if it works tho
Fair enough.
Also to note for direction:
When the direction says something like north northwest, it means the section between northwest and north
Okay just another thing to add onto: the way the camera compass is displaying. If I look in a certain direction, it’s the complete opposite on the actual area or map. The white marker is where I’m looking at, but I’m pretty sure the red marker is supposed to be in that direction.
But then all of a sudden if I face Palo town, the compass’ red marker faces Northeast / Northnortheast and invalidates the white marker. What the heck?!
Well, I’ll be. You and Cone really did help out with one of the charts. Of course the logic of that camera compass sucks, but I’m glad. Bussin.
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