Anybody got a clan that isnt super edgy and not hella toxic?

what im saying is just my experience bro. im playing good rep for now which explains why i dont have problems with gn. are you playing bad rep by any chance?

actually, roselight is only currently closed for recruitment because we need to upgrade our member cap

you’re still better off going and reaching one of the requirements like level 10 rank in the discord server while we wait for yet another cargo sunday

Black Bulls on top :muscle:

never joined the navy discord but what the fuck
(i am a based warlock navy main)

my clan is more like an organization instead of a clan, it just says that we are a group in search of order around the war seas, and i know well the members of my clan and they are not toxic


I joined the grand navy, I was hoping to get better drip at vice captain, yeah no after I reached 75k fame I decided to leave, also because they get 0 benefits, the extra fame is literally nothing, influence doesn’t do shit and the drip sucks until captain


Legit every game is more fun with friends, but if you don’t have friends then clans are the next best option (unless you don’t interact with the clan then it’s meaningless)

I got a pve clan based around trading , exploring , cooking and brewing (when it’s added) . Also got a couple of allies based around trading/cooking . If you’re interested , we also made our own trello .

imagine not making a clan just for yourself so you can get bronze sea abolotionist eventually

I already found a clan lol

dm me too

The clan I own is rather chill, but honestly if you wanna go for a larger clan go roselight atm

Suncry, not kidding. anyone who talks in the in game member chat is very chill, and they actively diffuse the few arguments that occur. Media channel is cool too, me and another person were sharing art and talking about drawing techniques a few weeks ago.

Join The Eclipse Authority (TEA)
We are very funny

Alr actually I joined the clan then left the next day, @DubiousLittleTyp0 was right about the game being better solo, also I cant stand the logo above my ship it looks terrible

Lose your mind to get the drip HAHAHAHAH

The reason why the GN doesnt have a ton of members is because vetex decided to give us garbage drip until 300k, why is it 300k?? make it 200k im begging you

True, lets pray that Drip suggestion from JTN is accepted. :crossed_fingers: