Anyone else noticed the alot of fake message from the game release?

I only know that it is false because there is no record on twitter trello, much less on discord

This is starting to be very annyoing

What false messages have you seen? Im a bit confused

A lot , on a lot of places

People are trolling constantly about the release date, so simply ignore them

Ignore all messages from patreons regarding the release date, we find general chats reaction to fake messages hilarious.

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i mean this one is pretty easily to spot it’s fake


General got shut down yesterday because of the fake messages, that’s how ridiculous the reaction ended up being

Releasing Feb 30th

We did a little trolling
Got general locked

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I find it much more likely that it would release the 31st :nod:

Oh god general got closed?

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Someone got banned



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a few of us in patron chat inspect elemented some screenshots of vetex saying the release date, general believed it and it started spreading really quick until the mods closed general and gave it a 15 second slowmode


Was it you :point_right: :point_left:

No I’d never get caught

Arcane odyssey will release today. I know it will :fire::writing_hand: