Anyone else thinking about the upcoming intensity rework x attack speed meta

I already made a balance suggestion that removed the focus from 300 attack speed to other stats:

We should remove attack speed and agility, replace it with a stat called Speed, in which half of it is agility and other half of it is attack speed. increase newly made Speed stat on sunkens and defense armors by +1 (or 0.5) per 10 levels but nerf their defense to balance it out. downside of getting high speed stat is most items with speed stat will have less defense. With this change all brisk and agile enchantments will be changed to hasty enchant and the would give 38 Speed rather than 19 speed and 19 agility. Will increase stat diversity, maybe this should be added for some other stats too.

The suggestion in balancecord was rejected but with the intensity rework of shorter cooldowns faster build up etc it’s only gonna make attack speed twice as annoying

there’s not really any full sets that give both intensity and attack speed so it’s probably going to be hard to be really into both at the same time

full brisk argos set

But I have an idea which could help with this, which I want to post in suggestions but the mods are slow at approving my application ;-;

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windmancer set

you’re gonna have to sacrifice other stats for intensity, i don’t see it beocming too big of a problem unless its scaling is just stupidly high

1 sec later
1 sec later

you could literally just spam R for placed explosion and end them immediately

Watch intensity be nerfed to the ground once it is op and revert to its old self a stat which nobody uses

i have a 550+ intensity poison plasma file and i want intensity to do
s o m e t h i n g instead of just making the clouds super massive. maybe make the damage per tick in the clouds like 56 damage

Just dash away bruh

“bruh everyone keeps running from my 1s lol”
“stop running from my 1s fodder”

As a Wind Mage, I use intensity like it’s a lifeline

The best combo I can think of for both of them is Argos armor + Carina accessories.

One gives defense and intensity, while the other gives attack speed and power.

the issue of running is completely negated when i fight them on their own brig in the middle of the ocean. the poison clouds engulf the entire ship and i can spam plasma blasts at the water to create massive steam clouds

new motto

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This idea is so bad it’s genuinely pathetic, never cook again.