Anyone know what cape this is?

From Selectorch’s video, I checked, this is not the Theurgist cape.

Some of the textures were remodeled just before release. It might be old Theurgist

Nah its a different model its prob just some unreleased thing

I meant the entire model, sorry.


^ ultimate is correct

its the old theurgist cloak model


ah sadge, the old one was so much more drippy imo

it was removed due to some ugc creators being against games taking their items without permission

Understandable yeah

Oh sick

Doesnt ugc ToS state that any roblox game can use your item :laughing: :man_facepalming:

something something legal vs moral

a ugc creator dmca’d a roblox ggame and it was shut down until the ugc creator allowed it to be reopened

vet is taking precautions and is removing a bunch of ugc that said creators warned developers they would dmca if their items were found to be in their games

:st3: :st3:

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